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Historical Literary Breakdown:

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Presentation on theme: "Historical Literary Breakdown:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Historical Literary Breakdown:
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2 Uncle Toms Cabin: Facts
Written by: _______________ A great American Novel about the injustices of ___________ Up until 2000 was the 2nd best selling novel of all time behind the _______ Stowe was active __________ and freely spoke out against __________ __________ was once quoted as saying after meeting Stowe, “So this is the women who stared the __________.”

3 Uncle Toms Cabin: Plot Introduces 3 famous African American __________: -_________ Novel is set in _________ and _____________ Novel is based on having ________ morals and faith even through the _________ idea of slavery The story is about a _______ owner in KY being in ______ and having to sell some of his slaves. A mother of one of the slaves that was sold decided to take off with her child and run to _______. She is followed by slave _____ but finally makes it to ______ after many events. Some of the other slaves head ______ down the ______ River where Tom rescues a ________ girl, the girls dad then buys them and all is well until the girl _____. They are then sold to a very ______ man in _______ where Tom is beaten to ______ after helping other slaves escape to ________.

4 Uncle Toms Cabin Segment Breakdown Instructions
Each Person will pick one segment, if your group only has three people you will only do 3 segments Write your name at the top of the segment you picked where it says name Read the segment from the novel and answer all questions Once the group is done write there name on the segment they did, then compare answers and discuss everyones segment. You will need to write down their answers on yours under the correct segment. You cannot just copy it from their computer, it must be read aloud to the other group members. Concluding Question will be on Padlet

5 Segment 1 Breakdown Students name: _____________
Summary (2 to 3 complete sentences): Characters Involved in this Segment: Setting: Predict what you think will happen next (1 to 2 sentences):

6 Segment 2 Breakdown Students name: _____________
Summary (2 to 3 complete sentences): Characters Involved in this Segment: Setting: Predict what you think will happen next (1 to 2 sentences):

7 Segment 3 Breakdown Students name: _____________
Summary (2 to 3 complete sentences): Characters Involved in this Segment: Setting: Predict what you think will happen next (1 to 2 sentences):

8 Segment 4 Breakdown (Optional if only 3) Students name: _____________
Summary (2 to 3 complete sentences): Characters Involved in this Segment: Setting: Predict what you think will happen next (1 to 2 sentences):

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