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Martin Tuchyňa ( Towards an INSPIREd e-reporting & INSPIRE priority datasets in Slovakia INSPIRE conference 2017 04.09.2017,

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Presentation on theme: "Martin Tuchyňa ( Towards an INSPIREd e-reporting & INSPIRE priority datasets in Slovakia INSPIRE conference 2017 04.09.2017,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Martin Tuchyňa (
Towards an INSPIREd e-reporting & INSPIRE priority datasets in Slovakia INSPIRE conference 2017 , Kehl, Germany Martin Tuchyňa

2 Content National Coordination INSPIRE priority datasets baseline Towards an INSPIRE aligned e-reporting Related challenges

3 1.National coordination
Main drivers SK INSPIRE member state contact point Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak republic Technical working group for INSPIRE priority datasets NFP SK alignment for Eionet SK member coverage Slovak environment agency + other national authorities responsible for relevant information resources Communication Remote preparation of the materials (tables, metadata) Consultations with the Eionet domain experts In future where needed dedicated relevant events can take place (webinars, workshops, meetings)

4 2.INSPIRE priority datasets baseline
List of INSPIRE priority datasets for Slovakia Based on initial version published on MIWP action "Priority list of datasets for e- Reporting„ Extended with national specific attributes allowing easier coordination and providing support for upcomming foreseen activities List consulted with Eionet experts involved in envionmental reporting for particular legislation and reporting flow (May 2017) Based on outcomes Ministry of the environment prepared from the initial list INSPIRE compliant metadata for the 48 INSPIRE priority datasets from Slovakia via Spatial Data Registry. These were made available via Slovak national catalogue service as well as National Geoportal (July 2017) There remains only last activity to replace the old Slovakian catalogue service link in EU Discovery Service Register with the new one (to be done in upcomming days) to allow possibility to search SK INSPIRE priority datasets also via EU INSPIRE Geoportal.

5 3. Towards INSPIRE aligned e-reporting
EU Registry on Industrial Sites Main coordination done by Slovak environment agency SK took part on the consultation of the guidelines (spring 2017) Preparatory activities took place with regards to proposed data model in guidelines Further activities will be possible as soon as related European Commission Decision on EU Registry of industrial sites will be issued Relevant identified SK INSPIRE priority datasets (List no. 30,31,32,33,44) CDDA (Common Database on Designated Areas) Activities are undertaken by the State nature conservation of the Slovak republic Taking into the consideration outcomes of the related activities driven by EEA There still remains some documenting obligations to create the INSPIRE metadata for the original INSPIRE protected sites already made available as INSPIRE view and download services

6 4.Related challenges part II
INSPIRE priority datasets What will be the setting / roadmap for priorities within the INSPIRE priority datasets (Core data flow datasets vs. remaining INSPIRE priority datasets)? What will be the way of keywords assignment for the INSPIRE priority datasets metadata? How will EC and member states monitor the progress with the INSPIRE priority datasets? Will there be some consolidated guidelines how to publish current INSPIRE priority datasets (as they are) with the INSPIRE services? (e.g. which exact files from CDR and how to publish their content with view and download services)? Will there be some consolidated guidelines for the mapping of INSPIRE priority datasets to the INSPIRE UML model/data specifications? Particularly in case of datasets beyond the legally obliged elements of the INSPIRE UML model. Foreseen activities will expect significant resource requirements. Any potential support ? Eg. via supportive relevant funding for the data beyond the INSPIRE legally binding part of UML model?

7 4.Related challenges part II
INSPIRE driven eReporting This activity will be addressed also under the MIWP action "Priority list of datasets for e- Reporting„? Will there be the need for specific INSPIRE mappings, or the mapping executed on INSPIRE priority datasets level will be sufficient? Are there foreseen some mechanisms to evaluate the value/benefits generated with the effort to make the eReporting data aligned with the INSPIRE?

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