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Major Theories of Personality: Nature and Nurture

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1 Major Theories of Personality: Nature and Nurture
EQ: How can we define personality, and how do the major theories of personality differ on how our personality is formed?

2 What is a Personality? Personality has to do with individual differences among people in behavior patterns, cognition, and emotion. This can be defined in many different ways using many different criteria Personality is definitely unique

3 Another Definition of Personality:
The individual’s unique ways of thinking feeling behaving experiencing the environment

4 Functions of Personality Theory:
There are tests, like the one linked here, that can help assess our personality What kind of personality did you come up with?? (answer in your notes) Personality can also be studied through observation of behavior, self assessments, and experimentation

5 Assessing Personality: Objective tests
Standard written format Select from provided choices Also called self-report

6 Assessing Personality: Projective Tests
Free response format Relatively unstructured stimuli which can be perceived in many ways Theoretically, the individual “projects” personality onto task

7 Research Issues in Personality:
Nature vs. Nurture Trait vs. Situation Stability vs. Change Nomothetic vs. Idiographic

8 Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud
People are born with psychic energy that is transformed and redirected during the normal course of social development This creates conflict

9 Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud
Id Latin for “it’ Unconscious and without specific direction Immediate gratification Pleasure principle

10 Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud
Ego Under the influence of external reality Mediates between Id and SuperEgo Reality principle Delayed gratification

11 Theories of Personality: Sigmund Freud
Superego The moral system Conscience Not really operating in reality system Incorporates the morals and values of parents and society

12 Theories of Personality: Anna Freud
Defense Mechanisms- the ego’s method to resolve conflicts with the Id and the Superego to guard against anxiety created by instinctual wishes Denial Displacement Identification Projection Rationalization Etc…

13 Theories of Personality: Carl Jung
Two separate unconscious regions of the mind -Personal Unconscious -Collective Unconscious Universal archetypes Complexes Concepts of introversion and extroversion

14 Theories of Personality: Alfred Adler
Inferiority Complexes Compensation/Overcompensation

15 Theories of Personality: Karen Horney
Childhood anxiety caused by a sense of helplessness triggers a desire for life and security The parent child relationship is critical to successful development

16 Theories of Personality: B. F. Skinner
Personality is viewed in terms of observed behavior Behaviors are under the control of contingencies of reinforcement Behavior Therapy is an attempt to modify behavior through systematic alteration of undesired behavior

17 Theories of Personality: Albert Bandura
Personality is acquired, or learned, behavior taking place in a social context Key concepts: Reciprocal determinism-overt behavior, cognition and the environment influence each other Observational Learning- learning by watching and imitating others including vicarious reinforcement and punishment Self Efficacy- a learned expectation of success, confidence in your ability to be successful

18 Theories of Personality: Hans Eysenck

19 Theories of Personality: Abraham Maslow
If basic needs are fulfilled, people will strive to actualize to their actual potential Self Actualization is the final psychological need and cannot be attained until basic needs are met


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