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Submission Instructions

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Presentation on theme: "Submission Instructions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Submission Instructions
Please follow the procedure below to submit to the SRP: Complete this PowerPoint template and submit it at Note: Slides 2-to-6 do not count towards 5-slide limit Upon upload, you will receive a submission ID via . Please provide this ID to your advisor. Ask your advisor to fill in the endorsement PowerPoint file. This file must be sent directly to the SRP secretary, Dr. Denis Daly via at (Students do NOT send ) Your advisor will receive an acknowledgment by within a couple of days after the endorsement file is received. If you do not receive the acknowledgment within a couple of days of the submission, please send an to Dr. Denis Daly at

2 [Photo of yourself here]
[Title of research] Speaker Name Co-authors Advisor’s name Affiliation1 (department, university) Affiliation2 (department, university) Contact information of the speaker ( address) Degree currently working on, and expected year of completion Research area/interests [Photo of yourself here] (subtitle your photo with: your university name, and degrees completed, so far)

3 Please answer the following questions
Hardware has been fabricated: (yes, no) The chip has been tested: (yes, no) The chip is being fabricated but not tested yet: (tested, not yet tested) Simulations only: (yes, no) Technology used: I will be a student at the time of the presentation next February. (yes, no) I have previously presented at the ISSCC SRP. (yes, no)

4 Abstract (less than 150 words)
Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred and fifty words. Example shown here has a hundred.

5 Contribution from You What is the key idea/significance of this work compared to you or your co-author’s previously published research? Describe in one or two sentences on what is new or significant compared to you or your co-author’s past work. If there are multiple authors (excluding advisors), what is YOUR contribution? Describe the contribution that YOU have made. The SRP presentation should focus on research from a single student

6 Previous Research from You and Your Group
List all past work by you or your co-authors related to this research that has been published or has been accepted for future publication. Describe in one or two sentences about the significance/key idea of your previous work. [Example] G. Hong & A. Smith, “A motion compensation technique for robust heart-rate monitoring,” IEEE Trans. on Systems, vol. 1, no. 1, 2010, pp The key idea of this work is to employ adaptive filtering to cancel motion artifact in ECG monitoring.

7 Research Details (1/5) Please include motivation & background of your research Describe why is it important. Include figures if necessary. Please include problem statement Describe what you are trying to solve.

8 Research Details (2/5) Compare and contrast your research to previously published work. Describe how your work is different from others’ work.

9 Research Details (3/5) Guidelines for color usage:
All backgrounds must be white: no background color or pattern may be used All text must be in black, and should be in Arial font Color may be used in schematics, graphs, illustrations, and photographs, only when it adds to the clarity of the presentation. Not all colors are equally visible when projected. Bright red, blue, green and orange are easiest to see. Avoid yellows and light or pastel colors that are not easily seen on a clear background, except, possibly as a local barely-visible background in a boxed area.

10 Research Details (4/5) Guidelines for color usage:
Use extra-wide line widths for colored lines. Use a minimum line width of 2-point for lines in drawings and schematics No logos, advertising, or BORDERS, are allowed

11 Research Details (5/5) Guidelines for font style and sizing:
Use up to 5 slides to describe the research Use Arial font, with the following size: 36 to 44 point for titles 36 point for sub-titles 26 to 28 point for major bullets 24 point for indented bullets Minimum 24 point for text on illustrations, graphs, figures, overlays on die photos Keep the visual simple!

12 Demo (Optional) Please fill out this slide only if you plan to include a Demo during the poster presentation. Note that demo is optional, but encouraged. Please describe what you plan to show during the demo. What is the input, output? What is the goal of the demo? What equipments will be used? What will be shown?

13 Demo Description Please add figures or pictures that describe your demo.

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