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The Secrets of Mythology

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1 The Secrets of Mythology

2 Summary and watercolor of the myth:



5 Nature Myth and mask: Colore



8 Colore was the goddess of color
Colore was the goddess of color. The day she was born, everything was black, grey, and white. However, when she first learned to walk something magical happened. Everything her feet touched instantly had bright colors. The trees turned green, the ocean turned blue, and the land was very colorful and vibrant. Everybody was living peacefully on the land. One day when Colore was walking in the woods she realized that something unusual was happening. The grass was turning brown, the trees were turning orange, and the days were getting shorter. Colore was getting older. Every four years a new season was made. First came fall, next came spring, then came winter, finally it turned into summer. Colore was born during the summer, and on her sixteenth birthday she was given the power to change the seasons. One day it would be winter, and the next day it would be spring. This was making it harder for everyone to adjust to the seasons, and soon Colore was receiving complaints from everybody. Artemis wanted there to be nice weather for hunting. Persephone wanted to have warm weather so she could pick beautiful flowers. Colore was getting so tired of all of the complaints. She was torn between keeping her powers and giving them up. If she kept her powers she could change the seasons at anytime that she wanted, but if she gave up her powers she would stop getting complaints from other gods and goddesses. With the help from her friends and family Colore decided to give up her powers and accept that she would not be able to change the seasons.


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