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UNIT 2: ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. The economic organisation of society.

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1 UNIT 2: ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. The economic organisation of society.
Listen. The economic systems in the world today include subsistence models, capitalism, planned economies and mixed models. All these systems help meet people's needs and desires in different ways. Our planet's resources are limited, and economic exploitation can lead to the overuse of resources and the creation of excessive amounts of waste. This may cause problems for future generations, who will not have the same access to resources that we do. We must all work together to consume the Earth's resources responsibly.

2 UNIT 2: ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES. The economic organisation of society.
1. DEFINITION. a) Economic activity includes all the jobs done by workers in order to satisfy the needs of people by providing goods or services. * Goods= they are produced by combining natural resources, skill and labour. * Services= they are provided after the creation of specific networks such as hospitals, schools,etc. b) Elements needed for the production of goods: Natural resources and raw materials (minerals, water, energy sources...) Labour (human activity required to produce a products or provide a service) GOODS Capital (lands, buildings, machines, money...) Technology c) Economic agents: They are the people, groups and institutions involved in economic activities. People: Agents of consumption. Companies: Agents of production and distribution. State organisations: They paid the different services with the taxes from citizens and companies. ACTIVITIES: Pag. 46, a, b and d / Pag. 49, activity number 1, 3 and 5

3 ACTIVITY: Pag. 51, activity 6
2. ECONOMIC SECTORS. Economic activities are divided into four economic sectors: Primary sector: It produces food for consumption and raw materials for industry. Agriculture, stock breeding, mining, fishing and forestry are activities that belong to the primary sector. Secondary sector: Activities that transform raw materials into manufactured products. Industry, construction and exploitation of energy sources are activities that belong to the secondary sector. Tertiary sector: Activities that provide services such as education, tourism, trade, transport, healthcare or culture. Quaternary sector: It includes all the activities related to information, innovation and research. In past centuries almost the entire working population worked in the primary sector. Then, after the Industrial Revolution, the percentage of the working population in the secondary sector increased. Finally, at the end of the last century, the tertiary sector became the biggest one, while the percentage of workers in the secondary sector decreased. This diagram is a pie chart ACTIVITY: Pag. 51, activity 6

4 ACTIVITIES: Pag. 53, activities 2 and 3
3. ECONOMIC SYSTEMS. The subsistence system - People only produce what they need. - It is characteristic of societies with low levels of development. The capitalist system - It defends free competition between individuals and companies. - It is based on the law of supply and demand. - The means of productions (land, machinery, technology, etc.) are privately owned. - It is the dominant economic system in today’s world. The planned economy system - The state owns the means of production, produces the goods, fixed the prices, and sells them. - Today it only exists in a few states, such as Cuba, North Korea and China. Alternative economies - These economies reject capitalism because it promotes inequality. - They are based on solidarity among people, respect for nature and the common good. ACTIVITIES: Pag. 53, activities 2 and 3

You have to do the following activities: All of them of page 62 1, 3 and 4 pages 63 and 64. ACTIVIDADES DE AMPLIACIÓN Elaboración de fichas que puedes descargar e imprimir en la web del profesor.

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