Students learn about: Growth of Political Tensions - economic and political issues in the Pacific by Japanese foreign policy US.

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3 Students learn about: Growth of Political Tensions - economic and political issues in the Pacific by 1937 - Japanese foreign policy - US and British policies in the Pacific - Strategic and political reasons for bombing Pearl Harbour

4 Course of the Pacific War
Students learn about: Course of the Pacific War - Japanese advance and the impact of the fall of the Philippines, Singapore, Burma and he East Indies - Turning points in the war: Battle of the Coral Sea, Battle of Midway, Battle of Guadalcanal, New Guinea - Strategies used by Allied forces against Japan

5 Students learn about: 3) Civilians at War - Social, political and economic effects on civilians in occupied territories in South-East Asia. - Life under Occupation: collaboration and resistance, the use of slave labour - The effect of the war on the home fronts in Japan and Australia.

6 Students learn about: 4) End of the Conflict - Reasons for the use of the A-bomb and the subsequent controversy over its use - Reasons for the Japanese defeat - War Crimes Tribunals and the status of the Emperor

7 1) Growth of Pacific Tensions
Economic and Political Issues in the Pacific by 1937: Colonialism in the Asia-Pacific region European imperialism in China Civil war in China US imperialism in the Philippines British imperialism in Burma French imperialism in Indochina Japanese imperialism in Asia-Pacific region

8 Growth of Pacific Tensions
Economic and Political Issues in the Pacific by 1937: Colonialism in the Asia-Pacific region - European drive for markets, raw materials & resources, and investment - established colonies to expand their wealth & national prestige - Asian subjects became resentful – they were exploited as cheap labour, resources were pillaged & lack of self-determination. Glossary: Imperial: characteristic of the rule of a state over colonial dependencies Self-determination: the ability of a nation to decide on its own form of government, independent of other nations.

9 Growth of Pacific Tensions
Economic and Political Issues in the Pacific by 1937: Colonialism in the Asia-Pacific region - Asian nationalist groups – rid European imperialism & secure independence. - Many believed communism was the framework/ideology to follow. Glossary: nationalism: concern for the advancement or independence of one’s own nation. communism: an economic and social system in which all property is owned by the community or the state/.

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