Atmosphere in Motion Benchmark: SC.6.E.7.5: Explain how energy provided by the sun influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and the temperature.

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Presentation on theme: "Atmosphere in Motion Benchmark: SC.6.E.7.5: Explain how energy provided by the sun influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and the temperature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atmosphere in Motion Benchmark: SC.6.E.7.5: Explain how energy provided by the sun influences global patterns of atmospheric movement and the temperature differences between air, water, and land. 1. Local winds and global winds are generally a result of which of the following? Earth’s tilted axis. Unpredictable changes in the atmosphere. Variations in the received from the sun. Unequal heating of Earth’s surface. 4. 2. In coastal areas, land and sea breezes may exist due to the uneven heating of the land and water. Which process is responsible for the breeze? Conduction Radiation Convection Refraction

2 Spinning plate demo Cut a paper plate into a spiral.
In the center, punch a hole in the plate and tie a string to the plate through the hole. Heat a hot plate and hover the paper plate over the hot plate.

3 Atmospheric Motion

4 Lab Land vs. Water Purpose – Conduct an experiment to compare the heating and cooling rates of sand and water.

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