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Week 3 Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein.

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1 Week 3 Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. Albert Einstein

2 Represents Binary outcomes
Digital Logic Represents Binary outcomes statement TRUE FALSE answer YES NO light OFF On switch CLOSED OPEN one bit

3 Basic Rules of Boolean Algebra
1. A + 0 = A 2. A + 1 = 1 3. A • 0 = 0 4. A • 1 = A 5. A + A = A 6. A + A’ = 1 7. A • A = A 8. A • A’ = 0 9. A’’ = A 10. A + AB = A 11. A + A’B = A + B 12. (A + B)(A + C) = A + BC Note: A can represent a single variable or a combination of variables

4 DeMorgan’s Rules A + B = (A’B’)’ AB = (A’+B’)’

5 Gray Code unsigned decimal gray 000 0 000 001 1 001 010 2 011

6 Karnaugh Maps 2 & 3 Variables

7 Karnaugh Maps 4 Variables

8 Karnaugh Map Example A’B’C’ + AB’C’ + A’BC’ + ABC’

9 Karnaugh Map Grouping

10 Karnaugh Map Grouping

11 Karnaugh Map Example Cont. A’B’C’ + AB’C’ + A’BC’ + ABC’
B is not covered, and both B and B’ are included, So we ignore B C’ is common to the entire grouping, So it is included A is covered over the full Range so we ignore A Final Result : X = C’

12 Canonical Form Canonical means all variables are represented in each term. X = a’b + ac is a minimum representation Change to Canonical Form = a’b(c+c’) + a(b+b’)c = a’bc + a’bc’ + abc + ab’c This implies that some variables are redundant

13 Don’t Care x x BCD to 7 segment display Logic Each segment is controlled by it’s own logic To reduce the boolean equation in a Karnaugh Map we plot the don’t care states. If appropriate we can use these to form larger groupings, thus simplifying the logic. One equation for each segment. Segment 1





18 End

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