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AUGUST 14, 2017 Get out notebook, ESPN highlighters, pencil

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Presentation on theme: "AUGUST 14, 2017 Get out notebook, ESPN highlighters, pencil"— Presentation transcript:

1 AUGUST 14, 2017 Get out notebook, ESPN highlighters, pencil
Finish Desert Notes Desertification Cause and Effect

2 Desert Climates Characteristics
Less than 10 inches of rainfall per year Scarce water supply Sparse animal/plant life Low population density

3 How are deserts created?
Lack of rainfall Less than 10 in. per year Rain Shadow Caused by mountains Clouds release moisture on one side creating desert on the other side

4 How are deserts created?
Desertification Grazing cattle Cutting down trees and shrubs Ex: Sahel, western U.S., Australia

5 ADAPTATION Clothing Camels Oases Nomadic lifestyle
Long, light colored clothes Camels Can travel long periods without water Special hooves Oases Nomadic lifestyle


7 Atacama Desert South America Driest place in the world
Some places haven’t had rain for years

8 Sahara Size of the USA Largest desert in the world
Cultural and physical barrier

9 Sahel Transition zone between Sahara and Savanna Semi-Arid
Suffers from desertification Great Green Wall om/watch?v=jI_nRHg- 0l4

10 Gobi Northern China and Mongolia Experiences extreme cold and heat
Rain Shadow from Himalayas

11 Bactrian Camel

12 Great Victoria Desert Outback (Australia)
Mostly inhabited by Aborigines

13 Kalahari Southern Africa

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