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An Internal Conflict Galatians 5:16-18 An Internal Conflict

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2 An Internal Conflict Galatians 5:16-18 An Internal Conflict
Introduction Galatians 5:1-6 – An exhortation for the Galatians to stand fast in the freedom of Christ. (vv. 1-2) – Christ made them free from the Law of Moses, thus, from sin and death. (Justification only by keeping the law perfectly?) Turn to binding OT again, you turn from Christ. (vv. 3-4) – When you turn away from Christ, and begin to bind the OT again you FALL FROM GRACE. (vv. 5-6) – Righteousness is by faith in Christ, not works of the law. Galatians 5:13-15 – You have been called to liberty (from law of Moses, and sin), but that liberty is not to be used to fulfill the lust of the flesh. It is liberty from the Law of Moses, and sin, but not from all law. “to those who are without law, as without law (not being without law toward God, but under law toward Christ), that I might win those who are without law” (1 Corinthians 9:21). Cf. Romans 6:1-4 – Not a problem peculiar to the Galatians – DO NOT CONTINUE IN SIN – rather, “walk in newness of life.”  Galatians 5:16-18 – There are two ways of living that those liberated in Christ Jesus must continue to choose between. When the desires of the flesh, which are contrary to spiritual living, appear, they must be denied! Cf. James 1:14-15; 4:7-8a – We must not let desire conceive and bring forth sin – we must recognize we are being tempted/drawn away, and flee, returning to God. Each of us would do well to acknowledge the internal conflict we all experience, and make the decision to deny the flesh, and live in the spirit. The Conflict

3 The Conflict Flesh or Spirit? Walk in the Spirit
Galatians 5:16-18 – Contrary to one another Romans 8:1-8 – Concerned with fleshly, or spiritual things 1 John 2:16-17; Luke 16:25 – Flesh temporary; Spiritual eternal Walk in the Spirit Galatians 5:24-25, – Made the decision to live spiritually, so walk spiritually (cf. Romans 6) The Conflict Flesh or Spirit? The conflict is a tug of war between the spirit and flesh – I.e. living spiritually, or fleshly. Galatians 5:16-18 – Two that are contrary to one another. Spirit – HS? – human spirit. Flesh – carnality – anti-spiritual. When “flesh” and “spirit” are contrasted, the “spirit” is that of man. (HS is involved in spiritual living, as seen later.) Romans 8:1-4 – Freedom from sin and death for those who walk according to the spirit. “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” – gospel (cf. Romans 1:16). “God did by sending His own Son” – sacrifice of Christ. Both free from “sin and death,” but there is a condition – (v. 4) – do NOT walk according to flesh, but spirit. The context further explains what that means (vv. 5-8): (v. 5) – flesh? Concerned with flesh; spirit? Concerned with spirit. (v. 6) – i.e. carnally minded, or spiritually minded. (vv. 7-8) – carnal mind cannot be subject to the “law of God,” because His law concerns spiritual things. “But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned” (1 Corinthians 2:14). Freed from sin and death – because walking according to spirit, or concerned with spiritual things, so obeyed gospel to be given life spiritually. The point: Are you more concerned about your spirit, or fulfilling pleasure in your flesh? NOTE: It is important we all understand our eternal nature (spirit). Matters of this present life are temporal – fulfillment of fleshly lust – cf. 1 John 2:16-17 (passing away). Abraham to Rich man – “Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things; but now he is comforted and you are tormented” (Luke 16:25). Lazarus lived for the spiritual (which reward is after life on earth), and the Rich man lived for the flesh (which reward he had during his life on earth). Decision – Which is more important? Pleasure now – eternal anguish later; or self-denial now – eternal reward later? The Christian is one who has decided the spiritual is more important!  Walk in the spirit. Galatians 5:24-25 – Decision made to crucify flesh, so live like it! (v. 24) – Flesh crucified in baptism (cf. Romans 6:5-7 – no longer slaves of sin – living in sin). (v. 25) – Because you have made the decision to live spiritually, then WALK SPIRITUALLY (cf. Romans 6:8-11 – dead to sin, alive to God). Galatians 5:19-23 – In other words, avoid fulfilling the works of the flesh, and possess the fruit of the Spirit. That is the influence of the HS in our lives. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 – The inspired scripture equips us for good work Christ prepared for us to walk in. We must make the decision to live spiritual lives, rather than living to fulfill the flesh. This, while understanding as a Christian what the right decision is, is not always easy. God has given us some pointers which help us to “walk in the spirit.”  Pointers for Walking in the Spirit (For helping the spirit gain ascendency in the inner conflict against the flesh…)

4 Pointers for Walking in the Spirit
Sanctify the Lord in Your Heart – Peter 3:15 Pray – Matthew 26:40-41 Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly – Colossians 3:16-17 Meditate on Worthy Things – Philippians 4:8-9 Rejoice in the Lord – Philippians 4:4 Pointers for Walking in the Spirit (For helping the spirit gain ascendency in the inner conflict against the flesh…) Sanctify the Lord in Your Heart 1 Peter 3:15 – set apart the Lord in your heart. Sanctify – set apart in our hearts – regard as holy, and special. (vv , 16-17) – In the context of suffering for doing good. When you are treated poorly for doing good, will you cease doing good, or continue to suffer for Christ? Setting Christ apart in our hearts allows us to make that decision more easily – our hearts are for Him, and He is for our hearts, so whatever happens, we will serve Him. 1 Peter 2:23 – Christ is the perfect example. (Sanctified God in His heart instead retaliating.) It is the idea of deciding beforehand that no matter what you will live for Christ so that when the time comes, Christ is already set apart in your heart. (He occupies the most important place in your life.) (Cannot please Him by walking in the flesh…) Pray Matthew 26:40-41 – Jesus to disciples in garden of Gethsemane while praying to God. Lest you enter into temptation – idea is not avoiding temptation, but going further into it when it comes. (cf. James 1:14-15 – allowing desire to conceive) Spirit willing, but flesh is weak – sins of weakness are still choices. Live for the spirit or the flesh – OUR DESIRE IS FOR THE SPIRIT, but SOMETIMES IN WEAKNESS OF FLESH WE CHOOSE OTHERWISE. What should we do? Pray! Consider: Jesus needed prayer, how much more do we? “pray without ceasing” (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Let the Word of Christ Dwell in You Richly Colossians 3:16-17 – The word of Christ is that which instructs us in spiritual living. Context – in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. (Tells us how careful with our song choices we should be.) Also – in everyday study. (v. 17 – Then DO what it says.) NOTE: (vv ) – After putting of things of the flesh, put on spiritual things – Can only know what spiritual living constitutes, even in this context, by LETTING THE WORD DWELL IN US RICHLY. Meditate on Worthy Things Philippians 4:8-9 – Things which God defines as PRAISWORTHY we must be given to in thought. Meditation – not emptying the mind, but FILLING THE MIND. These are things which are found in GOD’S WORD – don’t just read, and not even just study, but CONSTANTLY SPEND TIME IN THOUGHT ABOUT THESE THINGS – leaves less room for things of the flesh. (v. 9) – Thinking on these things, then doing them, God will be with you. Rejoice in the Lord Philippians 4:4 – It is important that we ALWAYS rejoice in the Lord. We must find joy in spiritual things! If we cannot always rejoice in these things, then our evaluation of them will suffer, and we will be less likely to be involved in them. Paul wrote Philippians while in chains. He could always rejoice, because his life was invested in the spiritual, the Lord. He had the hope of salvation!

5 An Internal Conflict Galatians 5:16-18 Conclusion
Each one of us has an internal conflict – the pull between the spirit and the flesh. We must never give way to the flesh! Our spirit MUST gain ascendency. Do we wish to live in the flesh, or the spirit? CHOOSE TO FOLLOW GOD ALWAYS!

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