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Algebra 2 Danette Yurich

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1 Algebra 2 Danette Yurich
Welcome to Open House 2016 Algebra 2 Danette Yurich

2 Curriculum Review of linear functions, equations, and graphs
Quadratic functions, equations, and graphs Polynomial/Radical Functions Exponential and Logarithmic Functions Rational Functions

3 Algbra 2 Essential Questions
What are functions and how can they be represented or simplified? How are the equations of different functions solved? How does changing a function’s equation effect its graph? How can algebraic functions be used to model and analyze real world problems?

4 Materials Notebook---3 ring binder
TI-84 Plus calculator will be used in class. ****Purchase of a graphing calculator is optional, but will be used in future math and science classes.

5 Grading Bonus opportunities prior to tests 15% 85%
Tests/Quizzes—can be signed out Quarterly Exam Homework In-Class Assignments/Math Tasks **Midterm/Final Exam grade = average of the 2 quarter exams taken per semester Portfolio Pages

6 Tutoring After School----Tuesdays from 2:45-4:45 in the IHS library
Provided by Math teachers!!!!!!! I am available in the 7am to help students

7 Important resources my web page SV portal

8 Thank you for coming!!

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