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Bose-Einstein Condensation Ultracold Quantum Coherent Gases

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Presentation on theme: "Bose-Einstein Condensation Ultracold Quantum Coherent Gases"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bose-Einstein Condensation Ultracold Quantum Coherent Gases

2 What’s Ultra-Cold Matter ?
mK μK nK Very Cold  Typically nanoKelvin – microKelvin  Atoms/particles have velocity ~ mm/s – cm/s Very Dense … in Phase Space x p x p x p Different temperatures Same phase space density Higher phase space density

3 Ultra-cold Quantum Mechanics
Quantum mechanics requires x p Dx Dp  fundamental unit of phase space volume  Quantum physics is important when Boltzmann régime Quantum régime Equivalent: deBroglie wavelength ~ inter-particle separation

4 Quantum Statistics Bosons Fermions
symmetric multi-particle wavefunction. Integer spin: photons, 87Rb. probability of occupying a state |i> with energy Ei. anti-symmetric multi-particle wavefunction. ½-integer spin: electrons, protons, neutrons, 40K. probability of occupying a state |i> with energy Ei. Ei Ni NBEC Ei Ni 1 EF

5 Bose-Einstein Condensation of 87Rb
10-13 10-6 1 105 thermal atoms MOT magnetic trapping evap. cooling BEC PSD Evaporation Efficiency

6 87Rb BEC RF@1.725 MHz: RF@1.660 MHz: RF@1.740 MHz: N = 6.4x105, T~Tc

7 87Rb BEC Surprise! Reach Tc with only a 30x loss in number.
MHz: N = 7.3x105, T>Tc MHz: N = 6.4x105, T~Tc MHz: N=1.4x105, T<Tc Surprise! Reach Tc with only a 30x loss in number. (trap loaded with 2x107 atoms)  Experimental cycle = seconds



10 Fermions: Sympathetic Cooling
Problem: Cold identical fermions do not interact due to Pauli Exclusion Principle.  No rethermalization.  No evaporative cooling. Fermi Sea “Iceberg” BEC Solution: add non-identical particles  Pauli exclusion principle does not apply. We cool our fermionic 40K atoms sympathetically with an 87Rb BEC.

11 The Problem with Fermions
Identical ultra-cold fermions do not interact At very low temperatures, If , then two atoms must scatter as an s-wave: s-wave is symmetric under exchange of particles: as = 0 for fermions

12 Sympathetic Cooling Cooling Efficiency 108 106 104 102 100 105 107 108

13 Below TF 0.9 TF 0.35 TF For Boltzmann statistics and a harmonic trap,
For ultra-cold fermions, even at T=0,

14 Pauli Pressure Fermi Boltzmann Gaussian Fit

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