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Presentation on theme: "THE WATER CYCLE."— Presentation transcript:


2 If we wanted to find freshwater on Earth, where could we find it?

3 3 3 2

4 1. The Sun The Sun heats up the water in Earth’s oceans and lakes.

5 Evaporation 2. Evaporation: liquid water changes to a gas called water vapor.

6 Transpiration Transpiration: water vapor is released by plants.

7 3. Condensation 3. Condensation: Warm air carries water vapor upward.
The air cools and condenses into liquid water. Tiny droplets of water clump together around tiny dust particles in the air, forming clouds.

8 4. Precipitation 4. Precipitation:
As more water vapor condenses, the drops of water grow larger and heavier. The heavy droplets fall as precipitation (rain, snow, sleet, hail).

9 Surface Run off and Collection
5. The precipitation that falls on land may: soak into the soil and become groundwater OR Run off the land, eventually collecting into a watershed (ocean or lake).

10 Water Cycle Lab Water works in cycles to recycle the Earth’s water and to purify it Let’s complete a lab to demonstrate how the water cycle works with pollution.

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