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9/19 Please get with your partner(s) from yesterday…

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1 9/19 Please get with your partner(s) from yesterday…
10 minutes- complete the template on the shared presentation for your excerpt 5 point “quiz” on Common Sense Notes- Background leading up to Declaration of Independence (Unit 1 test next Wednesday?)

2 Why is it “Common Sense” to break away from Great Britain?
After reading your assigned excerpt: Use the discussion questions after the excerpts to discuss with partner(s) Find your slide on the shared presentation and… Summarize/ paraphrase his argument and Type in an essential phrase from the passage Be prepared to briefly use the slide to summarize your findings to the class

3 Quiz…. (1 pt each)- List 3 arguments that Thomas Paine makes in Common Sense Circle the most convincing one (2 pts)- in complete sentences, explain why you think that is the most convincing argument

4 9/20 Happy last day of summer….
Grab one chromebook for each pair of desks Notes- background to the D of I Introduction: what words “pop” Paraphrasing the D of I- what argument does TJ make in today’s language? What “evidence” does he provide to support his argument against the king?

5 CONTINENTAL CONGRESS- Representatives from all 13 colonies that become the government of America
Meet in Philadelphia, May (month after Lexington and Concord) Create the “Continental Army” and name GEORGE WASHINGTON “commander in chief” (June 15)

6 Battle of Bunker Hill June 16, 1775
Bloodiest battle of war for Britain Over 1000 casualties Only 400 for Americans British/loyalists pinned down 9 months in Boston, waiting for reinforcements Washington arrives, July 1775 to start creating Continental army

7 OLIVE BRANCH PETITION- sent to King George III to attempt to reconcile England and the colonies
Adopted July 5, 1775 August 1775 King issues Proclamation of Rebellion, declaring Congress and their supporters traitors punishable by death

8 COMMON SENSE- pamphlet written by Thomas Paine
Huge best-seller; convinces many Americans to support independence

9 Cannon from Ticonderoga
Ethan Allen and Green Mountain Boys Benedict Arnold- militia Capture Fort Ticonderoga without a shot May 10, Get cannon. Henry Knox- pulls it by oxen across Appalachians Arrives Boston, January 1776

10 Knox’s six month journey to Boston with cannon

11 Evacuation of Boston Cannon brought up to Dorchester Heights in South Boston British evacuate, March 1776 8 year occupation of Boston over British go to Canada to await reinforcements, including Hessian mercenaries Will invade NYC next

12 June 1776- Congress votes to declare independence
THOMAS JEFFERSON- chosen to write a Declaration of Independence Congress approves it on July 4, 1776 Key purpose: declaring independence from ENGLAND Provides a justification for REVOLUTION against an unjust government 2. Summary of the ideas of JOHN LOCKE


14 As we listen to the introduction, underline words/ phrases that POP!!!!!


16 Circle enlightenment ideas that are found in the excerpt
Individually try to “paraphrase” your assigned section of the D of I…. You may use your phones to look up words, etc…. Circle enlightenment ideas that are found in the excerpt With your neighbor…. Compare your “paraphrasing” of the excerpt assigned to you Combine and/or choose the better, and type it into the template in google classroom What “evidence” is provided by Jefferson justifying revolution?

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