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Created by, Emily Chandler 703

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1 Created by, Emily Chandler 703
The Digestive System Created by, Emily Chandler 703

2 The digestive system is made of the GI tract (gastrointestinal tract), the liver, the pancreas, and the gallbladder. The organs in the Gi tract are the mouth, the stomach (esophagus), the small and large intestines, and the anus. The three parts of the small intestine include; the duodenum, the jejunum, and the ileum. The parts of the large intestine include; the appendix, cecum, colon, and the rectum. Bacteria that is in the GI tract help with your digestion. These all were together to digest the foods and drinks that we take in every day. Words to Know GI Tract – Hollow organs that are joined in a tube from the mouth to the anus. Appendix – A tube shaped sac connected to the lower end opening of the large intestine. Duodenum – The first part of the small intestine right beyond the stomach. Jejunum – The part of the intestine between duodenum and the ileum. Ileum – The third part of the small intestine in between the jejunum and the cecum. Cecum – A pouch attached to the junction of the small and large intestines. Rectum – The final section of the large intestine.

3 Diagram of the digestive system
Mouth – The process of chewing helps break down your food into smaller pieces, while your saliva mixes with the food to begin breaking it down into something your body can take in. Esophagus – The esophagus receives the food from your mouth when you swallow. It then delivers the food to the stomach. Stomach - The stomach is like a container. It holds the food while it is being mixed with enzymes that make the food a usable form. When the material is completely processed it is released into the small intestine. Small Intestine – A 22 ft long tube that breaks down food using enzymes. The Duodenum is the continuing process of break down, while the Jejunum and the ileum are responsible for the absorption of nutrients that go Into the bloodstream. The materials start out mostly solid and end in liquid. The leftover food is then passed on to the large intestine.

4 Diagram of the digestive system (pt.2)
Liver – The liver processes the nutrients taken in from the small intestine. The liver breaks down and gets rid of many drugs. It detoxifies harmful substances. Pancreas – The pancreas releases many enzymes into the duodenum. The enzymes break down; proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. The pancreas also makes insulin for the bloodstream. Large Intestine – The large intestine, also known as colon is a 6 ft long tube that is connected to the small intestine. Waste is passed through the colon in a liquid state and then in a solid form. Stool is kept in the sigmoid until kit is emptied once or twice a day into the rectum. Then the process of elimination will begin (when you have to use the bathroom). The digestive system starts in the mouth, then moves down to the esophagus, then the stomach, small intestine, pancreas, liver, and large intestine. The waste is the eventually moved to the anus.

5 Team work The digestive system works together with other systems. Some systems include; the respiratory system, and the circulatory system. The digestive system works with the respiratory system because it provides nutrient molecules to through digestion and the respiratory system provides oxygen. These two work together to give cells ingredients necessary for producing energy which is used for communication and the growth of cellular products. The digestive system works with the circulatory system to get absorbed nutrients distributed through the body. The circulatory system also carries chemical signals from the endocrine system that controls the speed of digestion.

6 Fun Facts * Most people produce 2 pints of saliva each day. That is about 2 cans of soda! * Your body would still be able to move food through you digestive system even if your upside down! It has nothing to do with gravity, it works with your muscles. * The stomach can hold 4 pounds of food at one time!

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