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Welcome! March 7th, 2018 Wednesday

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1 Welcome! March 7th, 2018 Wednesday
Do Now Find your seats! If you don’t remember where you sit, ask me. Write the date at the top of a new page in your journal. Once the bell rings, begin the freewrite. Prompt: Write about the last time two best friends speak to each other. Include their conversation.

2 Intro to Flash Fiction For the rest of this semester, we're going to look at storytelling. First, we're going to look at a particular type of storytelling called flash fiction, or micro fiction. It's an evolving genre that really only started becoming popular in the last decade or two, so there's not a concrete definition of what flash fiction is. But, we know that it's a very, very short story. Some people say it has to be less than 1000 words, some people say less than The exact length differs. What we do agree on is that flash fiction is a very concise story.

3 Intro to Flash Fiction We're just going to dive right in. Today, you're going to choose two examples of flash fiction to closely read and analyze. First, just read through the stories and pick two to focus on. As you read your chosen stories more closely, fill out your close reading chart. You’re going to choose six quotes that you found powerful, interesting, confusing, ect., and make a comment, question, or observation about said line. Which quotes you choose are entirely up to you; what you write in response is also entirely up to you. All I need to see is that you were closely reading and responding to the text in some way. Once you fill out your close reading chart, respond to the questions below. Make sure you fully explain your thoughts and reasoning for each question.

4 Intro to Flash Fiction For the last half of class, give writing flash fiction a shot. Choose one of the genres below and try to write a flash fiction story of your own. Make sure your story is at least ¾ page long (about 200 words), but try not to make it longer than two pages. Remember, your story needs all of the elements of a story: a character, a conflict, figurative language/imagery, and a shift/change of some sort. See what you can do! Possible Genres: Horror, Suspense, Fantasy, Historical Fiction, SciFi, Comedy, Tragedy

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