Vietnam War American Support for the War Wanes

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1 Vietnam War American Support for the War Wanes

2 Anti-war Demonstrations at Home: -With influence from civil rights in the 50’s & 60’s and horrific images from the war, Americans began protesting -Types of protests were sit-ins, teach-ins, marches, protests. -Some anti-war groups committed terrorist acts (Weather Underground) -Signs read “Hey Hey LBJ! How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?” -Peak of protests occurred in 1969 with a huge protest in Washington D.C.


4 Unpopularity of the War: (Reasons) -Escalating number of deaths (Military/Civilian) -Couldn’t understand purpose of the war. (Not like WWII) -Horrifying images from the war and the role of the media (TV, Newspapers & Magazines) focusing on the negative aspects. -We were a strong nation fighting a weaker one (Bully?)


6 Resistance to the Draft: -Increasing numbers of young men burned their draft cards, refuse to register and went to prison. -Most draftees were poor, or middle class whites. -African americans were disproportionately drafted million received deferments. -½ million men fled the country for canada, or went into hiding.


8 U.S. Leaders Speak Out: -The most famous leaders to speak out against the war were Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert Kennedy. -Both of these leaders were assassinated in 1968, the bloodiest year of the war.


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