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Unit 7 9 Honors.

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1 Unit 7 9 Honors

2 Address Verb To speak to; to direct one’s attention to
Synonym: to deal with The speaker addressed his audience before beginning his formal lecture.

3 Apocalypse Noun A prophetic revelation, especially one concerning the end of the world Synonym: doomsday The poet referenced a possible apocalypse in her writings, which left her readers with a sense of despair.

4 Benefactor Noun One who provides help, especially in the form of a gift or a donation Synonym: patron The wealthy benefactor gave the school nearly 100 million dollars to help keep tuition costs low for students.

5 Circumscribe Verb To draw a line around; to set the limits of something; to restrict Synonym: to confine An electric fence circumscribed the movements of the dog while the family was away.

6 Convivial Adjective Fond of partying; festive
Synonym: sociable; outgoing The convivial host was able to immediately put his guests at ease.

7 Dialectical Adjective
Relating to discussions; relating to the rules and methods of reasoning Synonym: analytical Games that require players to ask a series of questions in order to deduce the final answer are dialectical.

8 Equitable Adjective Fair Synonym: even
The divorce settlement was equitable; each party received exactly half of the accumulated assets.

9 Forbear Verb To refrain from Synonym: to abstain
The younger prince became the king because his older brother decided to forbear the title.

10 Impotent Adjective Powerless; helpless Synonym: ineffectual
The people felt impotent while watching the angry sea storm the beach.

11 Juxtapose Verb To place side-by-side Synonym: to mix together
Comedy and tragedy were juxtaposed in the play, making it both funny and sad.

12 Metamorphosis Noun A change in form; a striking or sudden change
Synonym: transformation Alan’s metamorphosis from average college student to Hollywood superstar was truly astounding to watch.

13 Parochial Adjective Narrow or confined in point of view
Synonym: small-minded The journalist’s parochial point of view prevented him from becoming a nationally-known writer.

14 Preeminent Adjective Better than anyone else; outstanding; supreme
Synonym: prominent The Nobel Prize-winning author was preeminent in her field.

15 Renaissance Noun A rebirth or revival Synonym: rejuvenation
The Harlem Renaissance is a time in American history when black writers, musicians, and actors showcased their abilities and rose to fame.

16 Soporific Adjective Sleep-inducing; boring Synonym: unexciting
The soporific lecture literally put the class to sleep.

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