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Bellwork In your pod, make a list of 5 of the most important inventions in human history and write them down on your bellwork.

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Presentation on theme: "Bellwork In your pod, make a list of 5 of the most important inventions in human history and write them down on your bellwork."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bellwork In your pod, make a list of 5 of the most important inventions in human history and write them down on your bellwork.

2 The Industrial Revolution

3 INTRO An ancient Greek or Roman would have felt at home in Europe in 1700 because daily life was not much different. Thanks to the Industrial Revolution, more has changed in the last 250 years than in the previous 2,500+ years

4 Industrial – Having to do with industry, business or manufacturing
Revolution – a huge change in the way things are done Industrial Revolution – a drastic change in the way goods were produced, from human labor to machines

5 ca Machines were invented to replace human labor New energy sources were developed to power the new machinery – steam, electricity, and oil (gas) Increased use of metals and minerals (aluminum, coal, copper, iron, etc.)

6 The Factory The development of the factory was a major step forward during the Industrial Revolution: Faster method of production Workers concentrated in a set location Production anticipated demand 6

7 Transportation Before the Industrial Revolution, people relied on the horse and their own feet to get around. With the invention of the steam locomotive, transportation took a huge step forward.

8 Textiles With the invention of the spinning jenny and the power loom, the textile industry took off. Clothes could now be made far faster than ever before.


10 A cotton factory

11 Agriculture The invention of the seed drill allowed farmers to plant many more seeds much more quickly. The reaper allowed farmers to harvest their crops more efficiently. More crops could now be grown feeding an increasing population.

12 What causes can you think of for the increase of population during the 1900’s? Come up with 3 reasons in your pods.

13 Steel With the invention of steel, buildings could be made much taller. Steel was much harder than iron, which would bend if made too tall. The steel industry created many new products, and led to the invention of the train and car.

14 Smoke stacks of a factory

15 Other major inventions
Electric light Telegraph & telephone Steamboats Sewing machine Gravel roads Railroads/trains

16 Closure In the question box, write three (3) DOK level 1 questions that can be answered using your notes.

17 “Turning Points in History – Industrial Revolution”

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