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Presentation on theme: "SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Title of Subject: Longwall Shieldman Last Reviewed Date : April 2016 SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS The following safe work instructions in NOT INTENDED to replace hands on training requirements of the code of federal regulations. The intent is to provide an overview of known potential safety hazards associated with equipment operation. Hands on training with an experienced operator on each specific model must be conducted. The trainee can not proceed onto production until they are determined ready to proceed by the supervisor of the training. Before any operation or maintenance procedure is performed with or on this equipment, it is important that personnel have a complete understanding of the location and functions of all controls and indicators, as well as, the location and use of all emergency shutdown controls and procedures. Steps for Initial SWI Training: Prepare – Review the SWI. Present – Quick Card at the machine with experienced operator. Tryout – Person runs the machine with supervision. Follow up – Competency points are verified by supervisor and is signed by the trainee/trainer to complete the training. Steps for Retraining: Review SWI or Quick Card Verify Competency Points Complete Annual Training Requalification Form Competency Points: Advancing Shields © Operating Shield Program © Pushing the Headgate/Tailgate © Activating/Deactivating Emergency Stops © Buchanan Minerals, LLC is providing this safety guidance in order to specify the minimum safety standards, practices or policies that are expected to be observed by persons operating on Buchanan Minerals property. Additional or different safety standards, practices or policies may be applicable to your business or situation. You are solely responsible for establishing the safety standards, practices and policies that are applicable to your business and your situation and Buchanan Minerals, LLC assumes no responsibility or liability in that regard. Note: Only information that is maintained on the Buchanan Minerals web site is deemed controlled.

Title: Longwall Shieldman SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Moving Shields: Prior to operating shields you must be familiar with the shield program and how to activate the emergency stop controls. Shields should be operated utilizing shearer initiation, auxiliary batch or adjacent unit control. Observe roof conditions supported by shield before moving. Check to be sure people and materials are in the clear before moving shield. Beware of bottom conditions. Watch side plates to assure that they do not overlap the adjacent shields. Ensure that cables and hoses are free prior to moving shields. Verify that all shield sprays are functioning. Ensure shields are free from accumulations of combustible materials. (Hose as needed or directed) Confirm all pins and keepers are in place. Continually monitor face conveyor for overhanging materials. Notify personnel prior to moving shields of the intended movement. Loose material can fall between shields when shields are lowered to be moved. Do not place hands on hand rails where loose material can fall on your hands. No person shall be permitted to ride on a shield that is being advanced from adjacent controls or by some other remote means. Caution must be taken when shields are coming down or going up a grade. Utilize proper body positioning to keep hands and feet away from pan joints, cable trough, bottom of pontoons, advancing ram, and area between shields. Shields can fall if the side plates get hung up or tips get wedged or overlapped, caused by the pontoons raising off the bottom while attempting to lower shield. Do not cross under or operate a stuck or fouled shield while pontoons are off the bottom. Always be aware of shearer positioning while operating shields.

Title: Longwall Shieldman SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Procedures for operating a shield utilizing onboard manual controls for operation or maintenance for all controls - except shield advancement. All adjacent/remote operational methods must have been attempted and failed. The shield shall be electrically isolated from the face by depressing the black button on the shield control unit. (SCU) Both adjacent shields shall also be electrically isolated by depressing the black button on the SCU. A trained and qualified person shall be positioned at the RED quick/system stop button on an adjacent shield and shall be prepared to immediately stop any unintentional or accidental shield movement. Pressure control valves will be used when necessary to reduce the speed of the hydraulic components as a precautionary measure. In the event that noise interferes with communications between the two parties, the conveyor chain will be stopped. Repairs to the shield shall commence and shall continue until the repairs are completed.

Title: Longwall Shieldman SAFE WORK INSTRUCTIONS KEY POINTS SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Procedure for utilizing the onboard manual hydraulic controls to advance a shield while on the shield. All adjacent/remote operational methods must have been attempted and failed. Notify a salaried supervisor that shield cannot be advanced electrically. The salaried supervisor shall oversee the process and determine that all adjacent/remote methods have been attempted. A second trained and qualified person shall be located at the red quick/system stop button on the adjacent shield and shall be prepared to immediately dump the hydraulic pressure to the face in the event that the person operating the shield is put in a compromising position. Procedure for dealing with a “Suspended” or “Hung Shield” AT NO TIME SHALL ANYONE TRAVEL UNDER A SUSPENDED OR HUNG SHIELD! All suspended or hung shields shall be pressurized against the mine roof if possible from an adjacent shield. If repairs cannot be immediately made to correct the hung shield situation, then the location of the hung shield shall be communicated to everyone on the face and the shield identified with a visible marker. If it becomes necessary to make repairs the shield shall be secured by cribbing or blocking prior to working under the suspended shield. Advancing Stageloader: Advancing the stageloader in unison with headgate operator. Utilize proper body positioning to avoid red zones and pinch points. Check to be sure people are in the clear before advancing stageloader. Insure that someone is in a position to watch the stageloader as it advances.


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