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The Second New Deal.

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1 The Second New Deal

2 Criticism Roosevelt faced criticism from both the right and the left
The right wing (Republicans) of the government opposed deficit spending, barrowing money, and the abandonment of a balanced budget The left wing (Democrats) of the government believed he had not done enough in his first two years. He needed to experiment more in order to help the 10 million still unemployed

3 The Second New Deal Programs

4 The WPA The New Deal’s largest public works program
Between it employed 8.5 million workers and spent $11 billion to construct: 650,000 miles of roadway 853 airports 124,000 bridges 8,000 parks It also financed: Artists - create murals and sculptures for public buildings Musicians – set up orchestras and smaller musical groups Actors, Directors and Playwrights – to create and preform plays

5 Reforms for Workers and Senior Citizens
Roosevelt called congressional leaders to the white house and wouldn't’t let them leave until they passed more of his programs The Wagner Act: Guaranteed workers the right to unionize and bargain collectively The National Labor Relations Board was established and et up a secret ballot for each individual factory in order to see if there workers wanted to unionize

6 The Wagner Act Continued
Allowed the NLRB to investigate employers’ actions and stop unfair practices Binding Arbitration – dissatisfied union members could take their complaints to a neutral party who would listen to both sides and decide on the issue Led to a burst of labor activity Such practices as Sit Down Strikes, where employees stopped working inside the factory and sat down in order to block management from sending in replacements, were beginning to be practiced by unhappy employees who demanded a union

7 Labor Unrest United Auto Workers
Began a sit-down at General Motors Plant in Flint Police were called and used tear gas on the workers However, the strike held and General Motors recognized the UAW as its employees sole bargaining agent U.S. Steel Saw what had happened to GM and didn't want that to occur The company recognized the Steel workers union before a strike occurred However other smaller steel producers did not recognize their workers desire for a union and many riots/strikes occurred

8 Social Security Act Provided some financial security for older Americans, unemployed workers, and other struggling Americans Roosevelt and his advisors viewed the bill as an insurance measure Workers earned the right to receive benefits because they paid special taxes to the federal government Also created welfare payments for those who were in need, disabled or those who were single mothers with young children

9 FDR: A Voice For Hope voice-of-hope?m=528e394da93ae&s=undefined&f=1&free=false

10 The New Deal Coalition (19.3)

11 Roosevelt’s Second Term
Millions of Americans owed their jobs, mortgages and bank accounts to the new deal Many African Americans who had reliably voted Republican since Reconstruction, switched their allegiance to the Democratic Party and FDR Roosevelt won more than 60 percent of the popular vote

12 The New Deal Coalition A Democratic Party Coalition emerged that incorporated: The White South African Americans Farmers Workers Immigrants Women Progressives Intellectuals

13 Court Packing Supreme Court opposed much of the New Deal and had been striking down some of its programs: Declared the Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional Cases were pending on the Social Security Act and the Wagner Act Roosevelt was furious at the Supreme Court and tried to change its political balance He sent congress a bill that would increase the number of justices and allow the president to appoint an additional justice, if a sitting justice who had served 10 years did not retired within 6 months of reaching 70 years old.

14 Court Packing The act of a leader to change the political balance of power in a nations judiciary system by appointing judges who will rule in favor of his/her policies Major Political Mistake Southern Democrats feared new justices would overturn segregation African Americans feared new justices may oppose civil rights Many Americans believed the plan would give the president too much power

15 Results of Court Packing
The bill was quietly killed But the Supreme Court backed off of Roosevelt’s New Deal programs/reforms and upheld the constitutionality of the Social Security Act and the Wagner Act Also soon after a conservative Supreme Court judge retired and Roosevelt was able to appoint a Justice of his choosing

16 The Recession of 1937 By early 1937 the economy seemed to be on the verge of recovery and industrial outputs were almost back to pre-Depression levels However, Roosevelt who was concerned about the debt America was racking up cut the WPA and PWA’s funding significantly. The cutting of funding to public works combine with the first Social Security payroll taxes (took 2 billion out of the economy) led to two million people being out of work By 1938 Roosevelt had to begin deficit spending again

17 The Last New Deal Reforms
One of Roosevelt’s last goals of his second term was to provide better housing for the nations poor Eleanor Roosevelt had toured the poverty stricken cities of America and urged the president to do something Passed the National Housing Act Established the United States Housing Authority Wanted to help Tenant Farmers Created the Farm Security Administration so tenant farmers could take out loans in order to purchase farms Many had been expelled from their farms when landlord took their land out of production under the AAA.

18 Fair Labor Standards Act
Abolished Child Labor Limited the work week to 44 hours for most workers Set the federal minimum wage at 25 cents per hour

19 The New Deal’s Legacy Did not end the depression, but gave many Americans a stronger sense of security, stability and hope for the future Created the broker state, which gives the government the power to work out conflicts among different interests. This practice is continued today The New Deal also established a safety net, which provides security against misfortune, specifically, government relief programs intended to protect against economic disaster. Roosevelts Presidency has caused the continued debate as to how much the government should intervene in the economy

20 How does the new deal continue to affect Americans today?
Close and Reflect How does the new deal continue to affect Americans today?

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