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7.L.3A.2 Analyze and interpret data from observations to describe different types of cells and classify cells as plant, animal, protist, or bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: "7.L.3A.2 Analyze and interpret data from observations to describe different types of cells and classify cells as plant, animal, protist, or bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1 7.L.3A.2 Analyze and interpret data from observations to describe different types of cells and classify cells as plant, animal, protist, or bacteria.

2 Types of Cells Plant Animal Bacteria Protist

3 Plant and animal cells share:
Cell membrane Nucleus Mitochondria Vacuole

4 Plants only: Cell wall Chloroplast

5 Prokaryotic vs eukaryotic
Prokaryotic organisms are cells that lack a nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotic organisms are cells that contain a membrane bound nucleus and organelles Prokaryotes are made up of most bacteria Eukaryotes can be plant, animal, and protists

6 Unicellular vs multicellular
Unicellular organisms are composed of one cell Unicellular organisms are commonly protists and bacteria

7 Photosynthetic vs non-photosynthetic
Cells that are photosynthetic contain chloroplasts and the pigment chlorophyll. Non-photosynthesizing cells would lack chloroplasts and chlorophyll. This would include most cells of the plant kingdom and some protist This would include cells of the animal kingdom

8 7.L.3A.3 Develop and use models to explain how the relevant structures within cells (including cytoplasm, cell membrane, cell wall, nucleus, mitochondria, chloroplasts, lysosomes, and vacuoles) function to support the life of plant, animal, and bacterial cells.

9 Organelles to know! Cell membrane Chloroplasts Cytoplasm Mitochondria
Nucleus Cell wall Vacuole Lysosomes

10 Cell membrane The thin, flexible outer covering of a cell
Controls what enters and leaves a cell There are two main ways substances enter and leave a cell: Diffusion- moves across cell membrane, occurs as materials move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Osmosis- diffusion of water across a membrane

11 cytoplasm Gel-like fluid Made mostly of water
Holds other organelles in place

12 nucleus Contains genetic material (DNA) Control center of the cell
The place where mitosis occurs

13 vacuole Acts as temporary storage centers
Some store water, others store waste products until they can be eliminated from the cell Plant cells have larger and fewer vacuoles than animal cells

14 chloroplasts Place where photosynthesis occurs
Contains chlorophyll- the green pigment that absorbs energy

15 mitochondria Sometimes called the Powerhouse of the cell
Energy producing sites in the cell where respiration takes place Cells use energy to build, repair, and reproduce cells Cells that require a larger amount of energy to function contain a larger number of mitochondria

16 Cell wall Provides support and shape for plant cells
Made mostly of cellulose which provides a protective framework for the cell

17 lysosomes Organelles that are responsible for digesting certain materials within the cell Can digest food, worn out organelles, as well as, other cellular waste not needed for cell metabolism

18 Cellular Processes Mitosis Waste elimination Photosynthesis
Cellular respiration

19 Mitosis Results in a duplicate copy of the cell
Needed for growth, replacement of cells, and asexual reproduction Occurs in the nucleus

20 Waste elimination Organisms rid cells of waste products that could be harmful Occurs in the cell membrane Process of diffusion Process of osmosis

21 photosynthesis Plants use light energy, carbon dioxide, and water to make glucose (simple sugar) and oxygen gas Sunlight+ 6C02+ 6H2O C6H12O6 + 6O2 Plant cells also release oxygen gas as a waste product of photosynthesis Occurs in the chloroplasts

22 Recipe for photosynthesis
Add 6 molecules of carbon dioxide Add 6 molecules of water Add light energy (sunlight) to change into chemical energy(chemical reaction) This makes food – Sugar 6 molecules of Oxygen are released into the air.

23 Cellular respiration Glucose (simple sugar) is broken down into carbon dioxide and water to release energy C6H12O6 CO2 + H2O Cellular respiration is the complementary process to photosynthesis Cells use energy to build, repair, and reproduce Occurs in the mitochondria

24 Photosynthesis vs. Respiration
Simple sugar made CO2 taken in O2 given off Produces simple sugar & oxygen Takes place in chloroplasts Simple sugar broken down CO2 given off O2 taken in & used Produces carbon dioxide & water Takes place in mitochondria

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