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Into a New Century Ch. 24.

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1 Into a New Century Ch. 24

2 Bill Clinton Democrat Elected to first term 1992 Re-elected 1996

3 NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement Supporters… Opposed…
Called for a gradual removal of trade restrictions among the US, Canada, and Mexico (Free Trade) Supporters… promote economic growth reduce prices increase exports encourage economic investment Opposed… Would force manufacturers to relocate to Mexico for lower wages and less environmental restrictions American jobs would be lost Clinton pushed NAFTA through congress and it went into effect in 1994

4 Yugoslav Republics Death of communist leader Tito and the fall of communism broke up the country of Yugoslavia 4 of the 6 major republics formed their own states Ethnic and religious hostilities rose and eventually led to civil war Serbs attacked Bosnians and Croats in an ethnic cleansing State-sanctioned mass murder, violence, and rape

5 Yugoslav Republics cont’d
1995- Clinton encouraged NATO to bomb Serbian strongholds Dayton Accords- established a federated, multinational Bosnia Ethnic cleansing ended 1998- ethnic cleansing and violence flared up in Kosovo NATO forced Serbs to withdraw from Kosovo

6 World Trade Center Attack
1st attack- 1993 Al Qaeda Led by Osama bin Laden Wanted to end American involvement in Muslim countries exploded a bomb in the World Trade Center Killing 6, injuring 1000

7 Murrah Federal Building
April 19, 1995 OKC Truck bomb destroyed 1/3 of the building Killing 168 At the time, the bombing was the deadliest act of domestic terrorism in US history Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols found guilty Held militant anti-government views


9 George W. Bush Republican Elected to first term 2000 Re-elected 2004

10 Sept. 11, 2001 4 commercial passenger airplanes are high jacked
2 hit the World Trade Centers 1 hit the Pentagon 1 crash-landed in a Pennsylvania field Determined Bin Laden’s al Qaeda network was responsible Bin Laden and other al Qaeda leaders were in Afghanistan where the Taliban gov allowed them to operate terrorist training camps Bush demanded Bin Laden be turned over to US Taliban refused US troops invaded Afghanistan and overthrew the Taliban Bin Laden escaped

11 “Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly terrorist acts…Thousands of lives were suddenly ended by evil, despicable acts of terror…These acts of mass murder were intended to frighten our nation into chaos and retreat. But they have failed…” -Pres. Bush 9/11/01

12 Improving National Security
Patriot Act- gives law enforcement broader powers to monitor suspected terrorists Some felt it violated civil liberties but most American were willing to give up some freedoms for better security Department of Homeland Security- coordinates security matters among federal, state, and local agencies


14 Invading Iraq Believed the Iraqi president, Saddam Hussein, was building nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons of mass destructions Operation Iraqi Freedom March 2003 American and British forces invaded Iraq Saddam’s forces and the capital fell Saddam went into hiding

15 Bush re-elected 2004 War continues in Iraq
2005- Iraq had a new constitution and the beginnings of a democracy 2006- Saddam tried and executed Sunnis, Shi’a, and Kurds fought for power 2007- American troop surge lessened the violence 2008- Senate Intelligence Committee determined that was no credible evidence of WMD or ties to terrorist groups in Iraq

16 Financial Crisis 2007- US economy slid into a recession
Unemployed Americans lost their homes Foreclosures increased Housing prices fell, mortgage investments lost their value Many large banking and investment firms collapsed 2008- Stock marked plunged Bank bailout was approved by Bush Public outrage after executives received $$$$ bonuses Some believe the bailout prevented a major financial meltdown

17 Barack Obama Democrat Elected 2008 Re-elected 2012

18 Obama Takes Action American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
Stimulus package with tax cuts, aid to state/local gov, and funds for infrastructure projects Healthcare bill Extends coverage to uninsured prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions Provides subsidies to help lower income earners buy insurance

19 Iraq and Afghanistan Aug “The American combat missing in Iraq has ended.” Iraq was more stable but terrorist violence continued Some American troops stayed behind in support roles American military increased in Afghanistan Hoped to end the Taliban gov May 2011 bin Laden killed in a secret Navy SEALS operation

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