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Earth & Space Start-up’s

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Presentation on theme: "Earth & Space Start-up’s"— Presentation transcript:

1 Earth & Space Start-up’s
What is the Summer Solstice? What did it represent in ancient times? Why was Stonehenge important to the ancient people?

2 Start Up #2 The ancient Greeks thought which planet was the center of the universe? Supernovas create which elements of life? (hint: there are 3 elements) Where did the earliest life forms live on Earth? Write a paragraph defending your position on the following topic: Is there life elsewhere in the universe?

3 Start Up #3 What is the name of our galaxy? What type is our galaxy?
What size is our galaxy? Speculate how scientists come up with the estimate of 125 billion galaxies?

4 Start Up #4 Name the 5 types of Galaxies: What is Nebulae?
Name the 5 types of Nublae: Where does our solar system reside in the Milky Way?

5 Start Up #5 What type of Nebula is this What type of galaxy is this

6 Start Up #6 What type of Nebula is this What type of Nebulas is this
3. Looking at your start up’s. Name the only Nebula we have not discussed, then draw and describe.

7 Start Up #7 I contain gases that glow due to their high temperatures. What am I? _______________________________________ Where in the Milky Way can I find, Globular Clusters? _________ The Milky Way is part of what Galaxy Group? ________________ The Milky Way is part of what Galaxy Cluster? ________________ I have no shape. What am I? ______________________________ Where in the Milky Way can I find, Open Clusters or (Galactic Clusters)? ____________________________________

8 Start Up #8 List some evidences of the Big Bang Theory? (Hint: If you need to use the textbook on pages ) In your own words, Explain how astronomers determine the universe is expanding. Please write a paragraph giving your argument for or against the Big Bang Theory.

9 Start Up #9 Describe a proton: where does it reside, what is its mass and charge, conceptually and mathematically how does it have this charge. Describe a neutron: where does it reside, what is its mass and charge, conceptually and mathematically how does it have this charge. Describe a electron: where does it reside, what is its mass and charge. Using a Venn diagram, compare and contrast all three sub-atomic particles. (protons, neutrons and electrons)

10 Start Up #10 List the 3 evidences of the Big Bang Theory (see notes).
Explain each piece of evidence in your own words. Each should be a paragraph long.

11 Start Up #11 What is a spectral signature?
Explain alpha, beta, gamma, and delta as it pertains to the spectral signature. What are the 2 most abundant elements in the universe? Write out the Electromagnetic Spectrum from longest wavelength to shortest. (Don’t forget cosmic rays)

12 Start Up #12 What does the “z” factor mean? How do we calculate “z”?
How do we calculate the velocity of the galaxy? Are all galaxies expanding at the same rate? If not, which ones are moving faster? Why?

13 Start Up #13 What does Alpha mean as it relates to space?
What does Beta mean as it relates to space? What does Gamma mean as it relates to space? What does Delta mean as it relates to space? What did Hubble discover in the 1920’s? (more than one answer) Where was his telescope built? (name a geographical location)

14 Spectrograms for Uma 1-2 and Coma 1
Which galaxy is moving faster? Uma1-2 (top) Coma1 (bottom) Which galaxy is closer to Earth? Uma1-2 (top) Coma1 (bottom)

15 Spectrogram for Uma 1-2 ∆lK m lK shift ∆lH lH shift m

16 Start Up #15 How did Hubble discover Hubble’s constant?
What does Hubble’s constant tell us? About how old is the universe? Explain how we came up with that age?

17 Start Up #16 Write down everything you know about stars.
Why do you think stars are different colors? What is nuclear fusion? Does it occur most often in low or high atomic numbers? Why? What is nuclear fission? Does it occur most often in low or high atomic numbers? Why?

18 Start Up #17 What size is our star compared to other stars?
Will our star ever go into Supernova? How many Hydrogen atoms produce one Helium atom? How many Hydrogen atoms are left over to recycle for another nuclear fusion reaction?

19 Start Up #18 It is tough to get 4 positively-charged, repulsive protons to join together to form a Helium nucleus. However, it is possible due to what force? Why was Beryllium (4Be8) NOT created during the first seconds of the Big Bang? What 2 events involving electrons happened 380,000 years ago that allowed the universe to suddenly go from opaque to transparent?

20 Start Up #19 What is the major determining factor of a star’s life?
What size (mass) star experiences Supernova? Draw the life cycle of our star. Draw the life cycle of Betelgeuse. (hint: look at your H-R Lab info)

21 Start Up #20 According to the H-R Diagram, where do star’s spend most (90%) of their lives? Describe group #2 stars. Where are they located on the H-R Diagram? What are they called? Describe group #3 stars. Where are they located on the H-R Diagram? What are they called? Describe group #4 stars. Where are they located on the H-R Diagram? What are they called? After we discuss, please turn in # Make sure your name is on the top page and staple if needed.

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