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Standard: UW.7.L.01 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

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Presentation on theme: "Standard: UW.7.L.01 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking."— Presentation transcript:

1 Standard: UW.7.L.01 Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking.

2 Complete sentences must have:
A subject and a verb

3 It describes what someone or something does
What is an action Verb? It describes what someone or something does Add 2 more action verbs to your list

4 It helps the main verb describe the action.
What is a helping verb? It helps the main verb describe the action.

5 It connects the subject with something that describes it.
What is a linking verb? It connects the subject with something that describes it. The word after a linking verb is usually an adjective!

6 Compound Sentences

7 Compound Sentences Consist of two or more sentences combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction Coordinating Conjunctions = F or A nd N or B ut O r Y et S o Independent clause + , FANBOYS + Independent Clause or SV, cc SV

8 WARNING—not all sentences that use FANBOYS are compound
WARNING—not all sentences that use FANBOYS are compound. There must be a complete sentence BEFORE the coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS) and a complete sentence AFTER the coordinating conjunction (FANBOYS).

9 For example: S LV LV I am happy to be going to the party and am thrilled I was invited. No comma is used here because the “and” doesn’t join 2 sentences (also called independent clauses).

10 S LV S LV I am happy to be going to the party, but Joe is sad he didn’t get invited. A comma is used here because “but” joins 2 complete sentences.

11 Try combining these: The administration canceled classes at school today. They sent everyone home on the busses. The administration canceled classes at school today, so they sent everyone home on the busses.

12 School can also teach me many skills.
Try another School can be tiring. School can also teach me many skills.

13 Compound Sentence using conjunctive adverbs
Conjuctive adverb

14 SV ; conjunctive adverb (CA), SV
What is the pattern? SV ; conjunctive adverb (CA), SV

15 Rules for using a semicolon in compound sentences
The sentences must be closely related. The second sentence must explain or define the first.

16 The pattern is… SV ; SV

17 What is a complex sentence?
A sentence made up of an independent and dependent clause

18 What is an independent clause?
A clause that can stand alone as a complete sentence or be joined with other clauses to form compound or complex sentences

19 What is a dependent clause?
A clause that cannot stand alone. It depends on the independent clause for it to have meaning. It is also known as a subordinating clause or a clause that cannot stand alone.

20 What are the words that begin dependent clauses?
Subordinating conjunctions

21 What are the comma rules for complex sentences?
When sentences begin with a dependent clause, a comma is used.  The pattern is : Dependent, independent. When sentences begin with an independent clause, no comma is used. The pattern is: Independent dependent.

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