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Presentation on theme: "PS#5C:A&D."— Presentation transcript:

1 PS#5C:A&D



4 What is the unit of analysis? the population? the variable? the type of variable? the class intervals are they equal? Is this a bar graph or histogram? How to read the chart? General shape of distribution?

5 In what percent of the districts did the Democratic candidate win 50-55% of the vote in 1948? In 1970? In what percent of districts did the Democrat win 45-55% [“marginal districts”]?

6 In what percent of the districts did the Democratic candidate win 50-55% of the vote in 1948? In 1970? In what percent of districts did the Democrat win 45-55% What percent of seats are “marginal”?

7 Which party won the greater number of House seats (from among those districts in which an incumbent was running) in 1948? In 1970? How can we get rather precise answers to these questions from the histograms?

8 Which party won the greater number of House seats (from among those districts in which an incumbent was running) in 1948? In 1970? How can we get rather precise answers to these questions from the histograms?

9 CD Relative & Cumulative Frequencies
How can we get rather precise answers to these questions from the histograms? CD Relative & Cumulative Frequencies Percent Dem % % % % Rep % % % % Area % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % Dem % % % % Area % % % % % % % % % % 100.0 100.0% %

10 How would you characterize the change in the shape of the frequency distribution from 1948 to 1970? What do you think this change in shape means in substantive political terms?

11 How would you characterize the change in the shape of the frequency distribution from 1948 to 1970? What do you think this change in shape means in substantive political terms?

12 Compare and contrast these two histograms and comment on what they imply for the hypothesis that lack of competition for House seats is due to of gerrymandering.

13 Interval Freq. Freq. Freq. Height (“Density”)
Class Abs. Rel Adj.Rel. Freq/Width = Interval Freq Freq Freq Height (“Density”) / 7 = 1.6 / 10 = 1.9 / 10 = 1.6 / 10 = 2.2 / 10 = 1.6 / 20 = 0.85 NA MISSING TOTAL




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