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Workflows with ENVI and Esri Agriculture workflows for ICARDA

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1 Workflows with ENVI and Esri Agriculture workflows for ICARDA
Starter: GEOINT is intelligence in from geospatial products. A GIS is a preferred way of developing and sharing those products. Adding needed data and features to a GIS then is paramount to communicating this intelligence. Remote Sensing is one of many ways to gather data to add to a GIS. For many people, remote sensing is a capability they have not yet mastered, typically due to time constraints. So the idea behind workflow applications is to bring the science to the users in an easy and repeatable fashion. All rights reserved. ENVI, IDL and Jagwire are trademarks of Exelis, Inc. All other marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2014, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc

2 Esri and Exelis VIS Partnership
Cross functionality – Out of the box Last year in the demo theater here at the Esri User Conference, I gave an overview of what the out of the box integration between Exelis and Esri consisted of. I covered the 4 areas of integration 1. Data Level Integration Tool Level Integration 3. Workflow Level Integration 4. Application Level Integration November 14, 2018

3 Esri and Exelis VIS Compatibility
Integration beyond out of the box This out of the box integration is valuable, and there is a lot of useful cross functionality, but to really make them sing together involves a bit of coding. ENVI has an API, IDL, which is analogous to ArcMap and Python. To build distributable and repeatable workflows you need to get the two products talking together with those languages. November 14, 2018

4 Esri and Exelis VIS Compatibility
Creating applications This can be a scary prospect for some, but the benefits of building out workflows are big, and shouldn’t be dismissed simply because there isn’t in house resource or time to building applications. The exelis vis website has a user contribution section where extensions can be downloaded and easily put into your ENVI desktop to get you started, these include items such as google map link, a image catalog, report generation and band animator. November 14, 2018

5 Workflows for ICARDA Map Crop Type Map Crop Conditions
Designing Shareable applications for colleagues Map Crop Type Map Crop Conditions Biomass Estimator Ag Site Suitability Analysis For a client of ours, ICARDA, we are working with them to build some workflows that can be distributed throughout their GIS community to enable commonly performed remote sensing tasks. The intention was to do this at a low cost, but to then make the workflows open source so that the community could use them and improve them. They settled on 4 tools which are currently being built and should be finished by the end of July. They are Map Crop Type, Map Crop Conditions, Biomass Estimator and Ag Site Suitability analysis. The next group of slides will walk through how the extension embeds into ENVI, is launched, the process and the results. November 14, 2018

6 An Application in Action – Map Crop Type
The tools embed into the Toolbox. The code added to the extension folder, now gives me a new folder of tools in the classification menu, and to launch the program I just click on Map Crop Type November 14, 2018

7 An Application in Action – Map Crop Type
When opened, a GUI will appear asking for my data and ground truth file and where to output results. For this example I used 3 Landsat 8 scenes over the same area along with a ground truth file loaded as a csv. November 14, 2018

8 An Application in Action – Map Crop Type
After kicking off the process, ENVI first computes Vegetation Indices on each of the images, then creates a layer stack with them and the other spectral bands available, resulting in 36 layer file. Once that layer stack file is created, a classification algorithm, Spectral Angle Mapper runs on it. November 14, 2018

9 An Application in Action – Map Crop Type
The resulting classification image is then produced and loaded into ENVI. The classes align to those contained in the ground truth file. In this case, there exists a class for no data values, barley, chickpea, natural land, olives, other, soil, vegetables and wheat. November 14, 2018

10 An Application in Action – Map Crop Type
Send the file directly to ArcMap with one click. The output file is contained in the data manager. In addition to doing post classification work in ENVI, because of our integration with ArcGIS you can easily send this file to ArcMap for further work or inclusion into a GIS. From the data manager you simply select the file and then click on the push to ArcMap button. November 14, 2018

11 An Application in Action – Map Crop Type
File in ArcMap November 14, 2018

12 Creating your own applications
Using the IDL API Extending ENVI with IDL Training Working with Exelis Working with Professional Services or Solutions Engineers Leveraging open source work This code will be made available through our website, and most likely via ICARDA. How can you build these yourselves. One option is to design them in-house. If you need to get up to speed with using IDL or building applications we have resources to train you. If you want to work with us, we have options for building applications, either those that can be redistributed freely and publicly, or those that become your proprietary application. November 14, 2018

13 All rights reserved. ENVI, IDL and Jagwire are trademarks of Exelis, Inc.
All other marks are the property of their respective owners. ©2014, Exelis Visual Information Solutions, Inc

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