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Ratifying the Constitution

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1 Ratifying the Constitution

2 Essential Questions How did the position of the Federalists differ from that of the Anti-Federalists? Why did the Federalists win approval of the Constitution? What were the arguments for and against a Bill of Rights?

3 Key Terms Ratify Federalist Faction Anti-Federalist Bill of Rights
Ch. 5-3, Pp

4 Federalists For the Constitution to become law, 9 of the 13 states had to ratify, or approve, it. Those in favor of the Constitution were Federalists – they wanted a strong national government. Washington Hamilton Madison

5 Anti-Federalists Anti-Federalists were opposed to the Constitution.
They worried that a powerful faction, or group focused on its own interests, would take over. They believed that the plan was a threat to the rights of states and individuals. Jefferson Gerry Henry

6 Ratification Debates Each state held a convention for ratification, made up of delegates from the cities and towns in the state. Some states voted quickly (DE, NJ, CT, GA) in favor of the Constitution. Some states (MA) debated, and voted narrowly to approve it ( ). In some states, Federalists had to wait until they could get enough votes to ratify (PA, NH.)

7 Federalists Win! The Articles had serious flaws.
Anti-Federalists had many ideas, Federalists had one. Federalists were national; anti-Federalists were local. George Washington was a Federalist.

8 Bill of Rights Many anti-Federalists felt that they could only support the Constitution if it outlined specifically what the government could NOT do. The Federalists offered to add several amendments if the Constitution was ratified. This would become the Bill of Rights.

9 For and Against the Bill of Rights
Many Federalists felt that the Constitution didn't need the Bill of Rights. The people and the government were the same thing, they reasoned – they didn't need to be protected from themselves. Many Americans did not accept this. Anti-Federalists warned that the government could do whatever the Constitution didn't ban.


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