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UPM’s Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Development Programme

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1 UPM’s Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Development Programme

2 The Sichuan Rural Poor-Household Biogas Development Programme
Key Facts and Figures Project ID: CDM PoA 2898, GS 1239 Project type: Household Biogas PoA Target group: only low-income rural households with an annual per capital income < USD 500 Target number of households: up to 1 million Currently included households: nearly 400,000 Project developer: UPM Umwelt-Projekt-Management GmbH, Munich (Germany) Local partners: Chengdu Oasis Science & Technology, Sichuan Rural Energy Office (SREO) Location: China, remote areas of Sichuan Province Project status: registered and issuing GS CERs Annual GHG emissions reduction: around 750,000 tCO2e

3 Project activity overview
This project… provides up to 1 million poor farmer households in China’s Sichuan Province with proven biogas digesters and smoke-free efficient cook stoves avoids GHG emissions from untreated animal manure and from burned coal generates climate-friendly, convenient and inexpensive biogas for cooking, lighting or heating complements and improves an existing rural biogas promotion scheme run by the Chinese government and implemented by the Sichuan Rural Energy Office (SREO) uses the dense network and qualified experts of the SREO, to distribute, main- tain and monitor biogas devices all over Sichuan disposes of a top-tier IT system for PoA management and monitoring reimburses around 42% of its GS CER sales revenue to participating house- holds and the SREO

4 SDG IMPACTS DELIVERED This project delivers…
a verifiable impact on 14 out of 17 UN SDGs in its Sichuan target areas, according to a recent scientific study by the Center for Sustainable Environmen- tal Sanitation (CSES) at the University of Science and Technology in Beijing the largest positive effects for SDGs 01: No Poverty 02: Zero Hunger 03: Good Health & Well-Being 06: Clean Water & Sanitation 07: Affordable & Clean Energy 08: Decent Work & Economic Growth 12: Responsible Production & Consumption 13: Climate Action Those in bold are GS4GG verified.

5 SDG Impact further specified
Nearly 400,000 households or 1.2 million people benefitting financially from the PoA with 40% increase of disposable household income with improved food security and nutrition with 182,000 ha under sustainable agricultural practices benefitting from improved health, mostly women and children better qualified in renewable energy with 2,000 additional people qualified as biogas experts benefitting from improved waste management, less fertilizer & pesticide use and better sanitation systems

6 SDG Impact further specified
Nearly 400,000 households or 1.2 million people with access to clean, reliable and affordable biogas benefitting from sustained income growth Other SDG Impact of this PoA: 1,055 of total female jobs created by the PoA 1.5 hours per day less cooking time for women and now available for other purposes 10,550 total jobs created by the project, thereof 2,000 permanent jobs and 8,550 temporary jobs

7 SDG Impact further specified

This project is innovative because it was… the first PoA of its kind to apply a new combination of CDM methodologies that are ideally suited for large-scale biogas development programmes at household level one of the first PoAs worldwide to be registered under CDM and Gold Standard, and having issued GS CERs one of the first participants in the Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves and the UNFCCC CDM Sustainable Development Co-Benefits Reporting Initiative the first PoA to have successfully migrated to the new Gold Standard for the Global Goals (GS4GG)

9 The Project’s IMPACT Visualized
Cooking with coal and firewood (left) and cooking with biogas (right)

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