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Barbara Stripling FIND the Leader in You Barbara Stripling

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Presentation on theme: "Barbara Stripling FIND the Leader in You Barbara Stripling"— Presentation transcript:

1 Barbara Stripling
FIND the Leader in You Barbara Stripling

2 Focus Inquire Navigate Demand

3 Focus, Inquire, Navigate, Demand
Beliefs Vision Leadership Strengths Priorities of Community

4 I believe. . . . . .that equity, justice, and intellectual freedom are the foundational values of libraries. . . .that we must teach young people to be responsible participants in our society. . . .that libraries build literacy and strengthen families. . . .that I must take risks and challenge myself to explore new opportunities to learn and grow.

5 What do you believe?

6 Clarify Your Vision

7 Indianapolis Public Library
The Library Vision Indianapolis Public Library To be a Center of Knowledge, Community Life, and Innovation for Indianapolis. Your Vision My patrons are empowered with critical and creative thinking skills that enable them to be independent learners, creators, and engaged participants in the community.

8 Focus on Your Leadership Strengths

9 What is your comfort level?*
*Kouzes & Posner. (2001). Leadership Practices Inventory [LPI]. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

10 Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: Leadership Practices Inventory*
Challenging the Process (question 1) Risktaking; Innovation; Challenge Inspiring a Shared Vision (question 2) Future Trends; Positive Outlook; Shared Dreams Enabling Others to Act (question 3) Collaborative Relationships; Active Listening; Respect for Others Modeling the Way (question 4) Personal Example; Clear Philosophy; Step-by-Step Progress toward Goals Encouraging the Heart (question 5) Praise; Recognition; Celebration *Kouzes, J. M. and Posner, B. Z. (2001). Leadership Practices Inventory [LPI]. Revised Second Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

11 Focus on the Priorities of Your Community

12 Focus, Inquire, Navigate, Demand
Question Engage Confront Explore Set Goals

13 Question Yourself and Others
What do you assume is true? Why do you do what you do? What do others think? What are your community members’ dreams for the future?

14 Engage with Your Community – Listen
Emerging Adults Youth Families Business Leaders Students Decision Makers

15 Engage with Your Community

16 Identify Both Aspirations and Challenges

17 Confront the Challenges of Your Community
Jobs Literacy Inclusiveness Equitable Access

18 Explore Possibilities
What exciting trends of the future must be considered? What exemplary practices are being employed by others? What has worked well for you in the past?

19 What does the future hold?

20 Set Leadership Goals Leadership Goals

21 Focus, Inquire, Navigate, Demand
Ecosystem Relationships Team Social & Emotional Aspects Dispositions

22 Understand the Ecosystem
Discovering Organizational Mythologies We can’t because . . . We’ve tried that before, but . . . Finding Patterns and Relationships Who are the Deciders and Influencers in the community? Who is connected to whom? Developing Own Interpretations and Conclusions How can you most effectively foster change in this ecosystem?

23 Build Sustained Relationships
Interactive and mutually beneficial Long-term Proactive and responsive Networked

24 Build Your Team

25 Leading from the Middle

26 Attend to Social and Emotional Aspects

27 Persevere

28 Focus, Inquire, Navigate, Demand
Sense of Urgency Unified Voices Modeling Advocacy Messaging Confidence

29 Develop a Sense of Urgency
Property Tax Cap School Library Jobs New Governor, ESSA

30 Unify Your Voices

31 Model Positive Attitude and Action

32 Advocate for Your Community and Your Library
Library advocacy is listening to our community members, connecting our library goals to their needs and aspirations, and actively seeking the support needed to fulfill their priorities.

33 Deliver Strategic Messaging
Personal Conversations Websites Op-Eds Social Media Messages to Legislators Presentations

34 Demonstrate Courage and Confidence

35 FIND the Leader in You. Focus. Inquire. Navigate. Demand
FIND the Leader in You Focus Inquire Navigate Demand And Inspire a Team to Take Action

36 "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader." John Quincy Adams

37 Barbara Stripling

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