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Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee

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Presentation on theme: "Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Assignment Review Advisory Committee
January 3, 2018

2 N e xt st e p s Agenda Welcome Population and Housing Trends -
Jeff O’Brien and Joe Haberman—Louisville Metro Planning Matt Ruther—Kentucky Data Center Cathy Hinko— Metropolitan Housing Coalition Guiding Principles – Predictability & Stability N e xt st e p s

3 Group norms Show up on time & be prepared Listen with an open mind
Think before speaking Stay mentally & physically present Stay on point & on time Attack the problem not the person Contribute to meeting goals Let everyone participate

4 Role of the Advisory Committee
Core Team Advisory Committee Community Board of Education

5 What we heard from you… Choice works well
Choice can also be frustrating Equity and access to programs are challenges Need for clearer communication Balancing choice and diversity

6 5:30 p.m. Meeting Schedule 1st Tuesday
January, August, and November meetings on Wednesday April & July meeting on 2nd Tuesday

7 Next few meetings Understand December—Review the current plan
December 2017-March 2018 December—Review the current plan Guiding principles January—Population trends, Housing Stability & predictability February—Diversity & equity in the current plan March—Facilities, magnets & Community input plan Quality and choice

8 Guiding Principles Predictability – The student assignment plan will offer predictability to parents in the assignment of their students at every point in their educational career. Families will be able to understand the choices that are available and the process for assignment. Stability – The student assignment plan will provide the opportunity for students to have continuity in the schools they attend, and it will provide each student with connectedness to the school staff, peers and the social and academic community of the school.

9 Considerations During tonight’s presentations, please think about:
How important are these two guiding principles? How might we need to revise them? How would we know if we are successful?

10 Guest Presentations

11 Table Discussion How does what we’ve learned tonight need to be considered in our review? What other information do we need to know? What are the implications for the guiding principles?

12 Next steps Core team will study the comments and look for common themes February meeting— Diversity and Equity

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