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RFA 8 – Command & Control System Definition

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1 RFA 8 – Command & Control System Definition
RFA 8 Specific Request: ISOC does not yet know what system it is using to process Observatory Housekeeping Data or perform the commanding Response ISOC command and control system will be a hybrid of ITOS and software developed at SLAC

2 Proposed ISOC S/W Architecture
All State of Health requirements satisfied within ITOS No req’ts on MOC that require LATOPS layer MOC/GSSC ITOS Cmd DB SOH trending and display Data Cmd LATTE Ops  LATOPS Science data/performance trending Register load generation Relational database interaction Pipeline/SAS interactions

3 Architecture Drivers Minimize V&V burden and total cost
Maintain all science capabilities Simplify interfaces and allow early testing Recognized that neither of the previously considered options were particularly attractive ITOS/Commercial packages don’t accommodate complexities of science data Homegrown system doesn’t have heritage, not ready in time to make project timelines. Most of additional code needed duplicates that in existing packages  Studied hybrid solutions

4 ITOS/Astro RT Trade In favor of either
Both AstroRT and ITOS would provide basic instrument health and safety functions Telemetry display EU conversion Limit checking and monitoring Trending Command and telemetry database access Both products have learnable interfaces and scripting AstroRT uses LabView for display and Perl scripts for automation ITOS displays are reportedly easy to create, uses STOL for input

5 ITOS/Astro RT Trade Against either
Requires use of ITOS or Astro-RT specific interfaces and scripting Both have ITAR issues Limitations are not fully understood Believe limitations will not affect monitoring and trending of housekeeping data – only science and instrument diagnostics

6 ITOS/Astro RT Trade In favor of AstroRT
LAT is using AstroRT for LAT flight software testing Against AstroRT Does not handle character strings – not sure if that’s an issue for us (it is with GBM) Commercial product costing $$$ upfront and for support throughout program life Probably unable to alter AstroRT code In favor of ITOS MOC and GBM will be using ITOS May be able to alter ITOS code or have changes made Against ITOS None that don’t also exist for AstroRT

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