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China: Warring States to Empire

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1 China: Warring States to Empire
Qin Dynasty Part of the Classical China’s History

2 Creation of the Empire Regarded as restoration
Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties had created a Chinese state Fell apart by 500 BCE Age of warring states Seven competing kingdoms Multiple states were thought to be unnatural

3 Qin Dynasty Emerges out of end of Zhou Dynasty/Period of Warring States Founder: Shi Huangdi (“First Emperor”) Goals: Unify and expand China Restore order

4 Unification by Shi huangdi
Ruler of Qin, BCE Adopted legalism as political philosophy Clear rules and harsh punishments to enforce state authority

5 Legalism Practical, political reaction to Confucianism
Han Feizi - 3rd century BCE Powerful and efficient government is key to restoring order Laws will end civil war and restore harmony Rewards to good subjects and punish disobedient Rulers must control ideas and actions of people Favored by Shi Huangdi during Qin dyansty


7 Life in the Qin Dynasty Social
Primogeniture eliminated (practice of having eldest son inherit all property and land) Nobles must leave land and live in Emperor’s court Political Emperor had complete control over all aspects of society Use of brutality and force to accomplish goals (Great Wall) Bureaucracy (not of the nobility) expanded to help control all regions National census Single law code Interactions Army expanded to crush rivals and regional rebellions Expanded territory of China, including Hong Kong Influenced parts of Vietnam through conquest Expanded infrastructure to increase interactions

8 Cultural Confucianism looked down upon and followers persecuted Legalism promoted Architectural: Initiates construction of Great Wall; Terracotta Soldiers/Tomb of Shi Huangdi Uniform written language Banned books Economic Introduced standard weights and measures Eliminated the very rare practice of slavery Forced labor necessary for construction projects Extremely high taxes Sponsored agricultural projects (irrigation) and manufacturing of silk

9 Terracotta Soldiers/Tomb of Shi Huangdi


11 Positive Creation Standardized weights, measurements Currency
Written chinese Axle lengths for carts

12 Qin Dynasty Collapses Shi Huangdi High taxes, forced labor
Extremely paranoid; killed off suspected enemies (nobles, intellectuals, warlords) Desire to control EVERYTHING High taxes, forced labor Shi Huangdi dies in 210 BCE; followed by 8 years of peasant revolts to determine successor - winner establishes Han Dynasty Collapses 206 BCE Han dynasty 206 BCE-220 CE Kept Qin centralization Less harsh

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