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2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Forms:

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Presentation on theme: "2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Forms:"— Presentation transcript:

1 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Forms:
Student Registration and Health Form (front of pink form) Authorization to Administer Medication (back of pink form) * Special Dietary Needs Form (front of blue form) Allergy and Anaphylaxis Action Plan (back of blue form)* *requires doctor signature and clinic stamp How to turn in medication Prescription ( original box, pharmacy label attached) OTC (new, sealed, in box, with dosing device) Nurse office hours to check meds Important dates

2 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Student information Parent information
Need 24/7 phone number Insurance Info ie: Kaiser, Blue Cross etc Emergency Contact not parent

3 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Ok to film student Check box
HEALTH INFORMATION Check all boxes that apply (stings-if never stung write never) Write explanation for all checked boxes Does your student take ANY medication? Including over the counter Don’t forget to sign

4 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Camp Provided over the counter medications
No need to pack If yes to ALL meds mark Yes If yes to some and no to others Mark yes, cross out meds not able to take If No to ALL meds mark NO

5 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp EEmergency Medications only
Physician completes this section EEmergency Medications only ((A(Epipens and asthma inhalers) Does student have permision to carry and self administer as needed? Yes check YES No check NO Write all meds to be given—Dr. write as if prescription Med Dose Route Time Condition If as needed must have frequency (as needed every 4 hours) Doctor’s signature and office stamp

6 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Don’t forget to sign

7 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Circle foods student does not eat
(does not include picky eaters) fIf Student Allergic complete entire form If medication listed you must complete medication authorization form (back of pink form) and Allergy Action Plan (back of blue form) How is allergy triggered? Ingestion Contact inhalation

2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Yes to epipen then complete Medication Authorization form (back of pink form) and Allergy Action Plan (back of blue form) IMPORTANT INFORMATION IF STUDENT ALLERGIC TO EGG SOY OR CORN CALL ( 2 WEEKS PRIOR TO CAMP

9 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Physician completes form
Student information What medication for which symptoms What are they allergic to Antihistamine: Write as prescription Medication Dosage Route Time If as needed include frequency Circle dosage for epipen

10 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Physician information
Signature and Office stamp

11 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp

12 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp

13 2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Student can not turn in medication bags. Parents MUST turn in medication to health office. Medicaiton will not be accepted from students.

14 Important Dates to remember
2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Important Dates to remember February 26, 2018 Turn in Camp forms to teacher March 26, 2018 Parents turn in medication bags March 26 9:00am-10:30am Medication office hours with Julie Low RN March 27, 9:00am-10:30am Medication office hours with Julie Low RN March 28, 9:00am-10:30am Medication office hours with Julie Low RN April 27, 2018 Final day medication bags will be accepted May 21, 2018 Board bus to go to camp May 24, 2018Pick up student and belonging at Sedgwick

15 Freguenly Asked Questions:
2018 Sedgwick Science Camp Freguenly Asked Questions: Who do I contact with questions Medical or Medication questions—Julie Low General camp questions—Your child’s teacher Can I use the medication already at school Yes—you must contact Julie Low and make arrangements

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