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Anatomy and Physiology Website Portfolio

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1 Anatomy and Physiology Website Portfolio
Performance in this course will be partly evaluated by the creation of a portfolio. This portfolio will help demonstrate your understanding of the body systems and corresponding material covered this semester. This portfolio can grow with you throughout your high school career, and as you take health science related courses. A portfolio can be a valuable resource later as you gain entrance into colleges and the job field. This will be an ongoing project throughout the semester, and will be completed as we cover body systems. Have fun, be creative, and document the information you are working so hard to learn.

2 Creating Your Portfolio
We will be creating your electronic portfolio using a free account You will provide your username and password to your instructor. All components should be typed with 1 inch margins, size 12 Arial font, double spaced, with citations if indicated. You will include PowerPoints you create, Prezi's you create, photographs, videos, projects, and activities done while in this class.

3 Directions for Completing Your Portfolio
Your Portfolio should include the following. Introduction: 10/10points- Student wrote a minimum of a one page (1pt) introduction that included a description of the student* (3pts) (consider including age, year in school, why are you taking this course, extracurricular actives* (jobs, hobbies, etc) (3pts), and future career goals* (3 pts), *required for maximum points You may include a picture along with your self description

4 Example Portfolio

5 Components About Yourself section 10/10 -community service, leadership activities, sports, clubs, resumes, hobbies/interests, personal philosophy, etc.

6 Components Goals section 10/10- Include your future career goals, your educational goals, where you want to be in 10 years. 1 page long Include the Can you Afford yourself activity- how did this activity affect your future goals. Did your goals change? Did your career interests change?

7 Components Unit Summaries: 30 points maximum  -Summarize each completed body system unit and the lab activities and projects that went along with it. Include what you learned from each unit and how the activities helped reinforce your learning. points are broken down as 1 pt- for having a minimum 8 sentences, 1pt - summary of objectives, 1pt –summary of unit covered, 2pt - a description of each activity with a description of what was learned  Take photographs of your completed projects/labs to include in with your unit summaries. Attach links to any PowerPoints made for presentations.

8 Additional Pictures I encourage you to take photographs of yourself and your partners while doing group work/labs to include along with your unit descriptions.

9 Components Public Service Announcement Video 10/10 (Use your phones to video and upload the video link) (State Standard 54) **Research and develop a public service announcement or public health presentation to inform high school students and young adults of the various types of sexually transmitted diseases. Provide informative and factual details concerning complications, signs and symptoms, preventive measures, and treatments available for diseases discussed. Follow HOSA competitive public service announcement grading outlines

10 Components Career: 15/15 points - Student researched a career related to anatomy and physiology. 1. Job Description (min. 250 words)- site sources where information came from 2. Roles and Responsibilities (min. 5 items)-site sources 3. Essential knowledge and skills needed to perform the job-site sources 4. Programs or Paths of Study available to reach occupational goals starting with high school (concentration, courses to take, ACT score needed, observation hours, etc.) –site sources 5. Required Personality traits (minimum of 5)-site sources 6. Licensure and Credentialing Requirements-site sources 7. Non-educational job requirements such as physical fitness, minimum age, and psychological evaluations-site sources 8. Pro’s and Con’s of the field 9. Would you consider a career in the field why or why not 10. Photo of the career-site source

11 Components Reflection: 15/15 points Student wrote a reflection of their experience in this course. What were the most challenging experiences? - 3pts What was your favorite activity? (what was it and why) -1.5pts What was your least favorite assignment? (what was it and why) -1.5pts What did you learn from this course? -3pts What type of things should be changed in the course to better meet the needs of the students and content? -3pts What was your most surprising learning experience? -3pts How will your enrollment in this course influence your studies in future courses? -3pts *This portion must be 1 page, you will loose 5 pts if it is less than one page.

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