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Parents open evening 12.09.18.

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Presentation on theme: "Parents open evening 12.09.18."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parents open evening

2 Staff in year 3 Miss Roberts – Class teacher
Miss Vale – Teaching assistant Mrs Thompson – Class teacher Mrs Barnett – Teaching assistant

3 Days to remember Indoor PE on Tuesday morning
Outdoor PE on Wednesday afternoon. Kit for PE – white t-shirt and shorts/ jogging bottoms and trainers/ jumper.

4 Homework Given on a Friday Expected back on a Thursday
1 piece of literacy or 1 piece of maths work per week Project – every half term based on topic work

5 Reading Expected back on a Friday.
Read at least 3 times at home per week - at least 1 comment in diary. Reading diaries- supportive questions to help you support your child at home. WAGOLL Sam’s cat went away Kerry thought that Sam’s cat went away because he was angry and upset with Sam.

6 Spellings Follow RWI programme which progresses on from KS1 phonics.
Hand out HFW list and Year 3 and 4 words to practise at home. Show examples of RWI spelling book.

7 Handwriting Changed handwriting scheme which means every letter now joins. Previously taught that P, Q, Y, G, B and J do not join, but in the scheme they do! Please support them at home/during their homework.

8 Curriculum this term Stories with familiar settings / information texts/ playscripts / instructional texts Place value/ addition and subtractions using formal written methods/ number bonds and times tables. PE- Netball/gymnastics Creative curriculum – Eurovision Science – animals and sounds and lights Guided reading – Book blog – open book blog and demonstrate LR Purple mash – computing – open and demonstrate LT

9 End of year expectations

10 Rewards and Sanctions Dojo points – discuss and give out parent letter. Model class story where they can read notices and send messages. Teacher’s will answer between 7:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday only. Star of the week in class SOS squad winner in assembly (show SoS display) Golden time weekly – 30 minutes Green team- squash and biscuit Reading raffle – half termly Report- Green, yellow, red Internal/ external exclusion for example repeated physical aggression and leaving the classroom.

11 Any questions? Thank you for your continued support 

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