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Presentation on theme: "Plot."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plot

2 Plot – Monday Today we will be looking at: Free write Notes on Plot
Independent Reading

3 Free Write – Ten Minutes

4 Plot It is the events in a story. The plot is a series of events that have a beginning, a middle, and an end. There are five parts to it: 1) Introduction - The beginning of the story; we are introduced to characters & setting

5 Plot 2)  Rising Action – There is an initiating conflict. Then the events in the story become more and more complicated. The suspense and interest of the reader increases.

6 Plot 3) Climax – The highest point of interest and the turning point of the story 4) Falling Action - The conflict begins to resolve itself. The reader knows what has happened next and if the conflict was resolved or not 5)Resolution- This is the final outcome or untangling of events in the story

7 Plot Exposition is the portion of a story that introduces important background information to the audience; for example, information about the setting, events occurring before the main plot, characters' back stories, etc.

8 Plot Diagram

9 Plot - Tuesday Today we will:
Look at the expectations for your weekly assignments Read “Stray Bullet” Work on Questions and Assignment

10 Plot Diagram

11 Plot- Wednesday Today we will Review Questions Grammar Lesson
Closing Sentences Worksheet Work on Assignments

12 Closing Sentences What is the closing sentence? The closing sentence is the last sentence in a paragraph. What does it do? It restates the main idea of your paragraph. How do I write one? Restate the main idea of the paragraph using different words.

13 Closing Sentence The closing sentence reminds the reader what the topic of the paragraph is really all about

14 Closing Sentence Example
Topic Sentence: There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. Closing Sentence: As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

15 Closing Sentence Example
Topic sentence: Mr. Brown must have been a drill sergeant before he became our gym teacher. Closing sentence: I'm surprised that Mr. Brown doesn't make us march into the shower room after each class

16 Plot- Thursday Today we will: Grammar Review Work on Assignments
Independent Reading

17 Plot - Friday Go over Book talk expectations ELPA Boot Camp
Independent Reading

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