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Comparative Theology.

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Presentation on theme: "Comparative Theology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Comparative Theology

2 John Nader Mina

3 John Nader Mina

4 John Nader Mina

5 John Nader Mina

6 John Nader Mina

7 The Division of the churches

8 Review for Ecumenical Councils
Where? Nicaea Constantinople Ephesus When? 325 AD 381 AD 431 AD How many Bishops? 318 150 200 Main Character? St. Athanasius 19 St. Timotheos 22 St. Cyril 24 Heretics? Arius Macedonius Nestorius Heresy? The Son is less than the Father The Holy Spirit is not God Christ has two natures. So, St. Mary is not called “Mother of God” Decree? 1st. Part of Crete 2nd. Part of Crete Introduction to the Crete

9 Catholic Church – 451 AD The church remained one in its faith until 451 AD, the date of the council of Chalcedon. In this meeting the one church was divided into two groups Eastern Church Western Church

10 In the Eleventh Century The Holy Spirit who proceeds From . . .
In the eleventh century there was another split about the proceeding of the Holy Spirit (Filioque). The Roman Catholic Church added the phrase “and from the Son” to the Nicene-Constantinople creed, while the Eastern Orthodox Churches refused and kept it as is “we believe in the Holy spirit that proceeds from the Father”, in concordance with the church fathers’ teachings and the scripture.

11 In the Sixteenth Century Protestant Church - 1517
Protestant Reform begins in 1517 AD, when “Martin Luther” objected to some of the teachings of the Catholic Church, which was called “the Protestant reformation”. It was launched in Germany where he. His followers were called the protesters, and hence, the name” Protestant”. Within the Protestant Church, there are many different divisions from within, and to this day newer protestant denominations arise.

12 From Generation to Generation
For all this time, the Orthodox church has kept the faith that has been handed down from Our Lord Jesus Christ and His apostles. As we receive this inheritance, we have to preserve it faithfully to hand it over to the generations that come after us, until Our Lord Jesus Christ receives His church, which He bought with His own blood.

13 Meaning of these denominations
Orthodox is a Greek word that means “the right or straight way to glorify or worship”. The term has been used for 14 centuries. Catholic is a Greek word meaning “universal” because it brought together all the Western churches, and this has been used since the eleventh century. Protestantism means “the protest” or “opposition”.

14 Baptism

15 Chrismation

16 Confession

17 Communion

18 Intercession

19 Saint Mary

20 Second Coming

21 Final Judgement

22 Tradition

23 Holy Spirit

24 Questions?

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