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Variant expressions of Christianity Development of Christian communities after Jesus’ death.

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1 Variant expressions of Christianity Development of Christian communities after Jesus’ death

2 1. The Great Schism (1054) Division between Eastern and Western Churches A 4 th Century split in the Roman Empire resulted in two capitals: - Rome in Western Europe - Constantinople in Eastern Europe When Christians were formulating a creed (a statement of beliefs) in the 11 th C they came into conflict over two issues: - the authority of the Pope - the relationship between members of the Trinity Christians in the West (Latin Speaking) looked to the Bishop of Rome while Christians in the East (Greek Speaking) looked to the Patriarch of Constantinople This division led to the formation of the ‘Eastern Orthodox Church’ as distinct from the ‘Catholic Church’ of western Europe

3 2. Reformation (16 th Century) The formation of the Protestant Church  Began as an effort to purify the life and teachings of the Catholic Church but unintentionally resulted in a breakaway church that became known as the ‘Protestant Church’  Named after those who protested against the teachings of the Church at Rome


5 Three major variants or expressions of Christianity 1. The Roman Catholic Church The term ‘catholic’ comes from the Greek word for ‘universal’. Hence the Roman Catholic Church is the universal church that takes its lead from Rome. The Catholic church traces its history back to the community originally founded by Jesus Christ and anointed by the Holy Spirit at Pentecost (see Acts 2)

6 Key features of faith and practice i. The authority of the Pope

7 Key features of faith and practice ii. The mother of Jesus

8 iii. Jesus’ presence in the Lord’s Supper Key features of faith and practice

9 Three major variants or expressions of Christianity 2. The Orthodox Church The Orthodox Church regards itself as being in the direct line of apostles. They belief they stand in unbroken connection with the original apostles. The word orthodox means ‘of correct opinion’ and the churches of the orthodox tradition regard themselves as preservers of the most pure and ancient form of Christianity. Includes the Greek, Russian, and Balkan Orthodox churches; also the Orthodox churches in Iran, Iraq, Syria, Egypt (Coptic), Armenia, Ethiopia and South India.

10 i.Authority

11 ii. Salvation The Orthodox Church emphasises believers sharing in the nature of God. One New Testament passage declares that God ‘has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature’ (2 Peter 1:3).

12 iii. Use of images and symbolism in worship

13 Your questions to ask and research

14 Three major variants or expressions of Christianity 3. The Protestant Church The Protestant Reformation revolved around the central issue of who had the authority to interpret the bible and hence to direct the Christian way of life. The Catholic Church claimed that the final authority to interpret, teach and lead belonged to the Pope. Martin Luther and other reformers disagreed and emphasised that authority ultimately resided in the Bible. Calvin and Zwingli were two other key reformers. There are many denominations (see chart) within the Protestant expression of Christianity e.g. Anglican, Presbyterian, Lutheran, Uniting Church, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Brethren, Assemblies of God, etc

15 Key features of faith and practice i.Authority

16 Key features of faith and practice ii.Emphasis on salvation by grace alone (through faith)

17 iii. Jesus’ spiritual presence in the Lord’s supper ‘Do this in remembrance of me’.

18 Two Significance Protestant Denominations 1. Anglican (known as Church of England until 1979)

19 LOW (evangelical)HIGH (Anglo-Catholic)

20 2. Pentecostal Church

21 Your questions and research

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