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59 Gresham Road, Staines, TW18 2BD

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1 59 Gresham Road, Staines, TW18 2BD
OUR LADY OF THE ROSARY 59 Gresham Road, Staines, TW18 2BD Parish Priest: Fr. Philip Dyer-Perry Parish Secretary: Luciana Vicentini-Munday Tel: Website: 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Year B 9th September, 2018 From the  Diary 23rd SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 9th September 18.30 (Sat) 09.00 11.00 Mass (Mary Veldhoven RIP) Mass (People of the Parish) Mass (Ron Dackombe ANNIV) Tuesday 11th September 09.15 – 09.50 14.00 Mass (Odilia Carneiro Oliveria RIP) followed by Exposition Prayer Group – New Parish Meeting Room Wednesday 12th September 09.15 10.00 Mass Baby & Toddler Group volunteers’ meeting Thursday 13th September Mass (Peter Vermeulen RIP) Rosary at 08.55 Church Cleaning Friday 14th September Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary School Saturday 15th September 12.00 17.30 – 18.00 Baptism of Olivia Tanswell Sacrament of Reconciliation 24th SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 16th September Mass (Fiona Lanning RIP) No Mass Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary School Please pray for  All our sick and housebound Peter Lucas, Alex Leonard, Gary Murphy, Stan & Audrey Galasinski, Sheila Munday, Ann Donoghue, Annette Donivar,, Mark Cotter, Christopher Browne, Dougal McClelland, David McCormick, Michael O’Donnell, Paul Hanna, Chris Burwell, Paul Fisher, Margaret Shakespeare, June Almeida, Fr. Tom Quinn Those who have died. Mary Veldhoven, Ron Dackombe, & all anniversaries. Welcome! If you are visiting or this is your first time, please introduce yourself to Fr. Philip, and perhaps stay for tea & coffee after Mass. Whether you’ve recently moved into the area, or are just visiting, you are most welcome here – and so is your feedback on your first impressions of this parish, good or bad! Tea and Coffee After all Masses, please stay on for a nice Fairtrade cup of tea, freshly brewed coffee, biscuits and toys. Little children When you bring your children to Mass, you not only share with them a very special part of your life, but you bring new life and energy to the entire parish community. If their new life and energy is getting too much, it’s ok to take them into the hall or porch for a bit until they (or you) have calmed down! If you have a baby you are welcome to feed/breastfeed your child at any time – and in any place you feel most comfortable. You can go into the hall or Reconciliation room – or simply remain in your place in church. If you’ve got a toddler, you are welcome to bring toys to distract them. It’s a good idea to bring things that can’t be used to make a noise. Best of all, come and sit at the front where they can see! We appreciate that every child is different and that bringing children to Mass is not always easy. If you are finding it particularly hard today, be assured that you are not alone. Safety Please don’t let children close to the candle stands or the statues – they are heavy and topple very easily! Baby and Toddler Group Closed for holidays – back 19th September Wednesdays in term time 9.45 – am in the hall. £2.50 per family. Nice cakes. Outdoor area. All babies, toddlers, & accompanying adults very welcome! Next Weekend – Special 11 am Mass at Our Lady of the Rosary School (no Mass at 9 am!) Next Sunday we are going out for Mass! The Church is not a building, but a community, and we’re on the move. Next Sunday there will be only one Mass, at 11 am, and this will take place at Our Lady of the Rosary School and Bishop John Wilson is coming to preside. This Mass is for everyone! So, what’s the big deal? Our Lady of the Rosary School is 125 years old! That is pretty ancient, and it’s an opportunity to celebrate that is just too good to miss. What’s it got to do with me? Even if you don’t have children at this school, Our Lady of the Rosary School will have touched your life. The school is almost as old as the parish (we’re 128 this year!) and has shaped our parish (and therefore affected you) in all sorts of ways. Many of our parishioners are products of this establishment or had children who went there. It’s important to them – and since we are all one body, it’s important to all of us. So, what can I expect next Sunday? You can expect a good time. Mass will be followed by a picnic and parish family afternoon, so it’s a good idea to bring something to sit on (you’ll need it for the Mass and the picnic), a packed lunch (for eating after Mass), and an umbrella. Also bring some change, as there will also be a hog roast, tea, coffee, and soft drinks service, and of course a collection! Can I park? If at all possible, walk to the school (or park here at church and walk down). Yes, the school is on ‘Park Avenue’, but that does not mean it’s some kind of car park – parking is in fact extremely limited. What if it rains? We’ll just squeeze into the hall, just like the crowds did with Jesus in the Gospel. Anything else I need to know? In the story of the Feeding of the Five Thousand, Jesus had compassion on the crowds and wanted to make sure they had something to eat. When a small boy shared his small stash of food, suddenly there was more than enough food to go around. Through sharing food and drink, the crowd became a community. There may be people there who have not brought a picnic – if you invite them to share your food and drink, amazing things may happen! How do I get there? See the map overleaf

2 Parish Patio safety advice
Join our Parish Facebook group! ‘Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Staines’ Baptising your child? We are delighted to welcome parents who would like to have their child baptised. So if you have an unbaptised baby (or are expecting one), please introduce yourself & your child after Mass and you can find out what to do. It will probably involve Fr. Philip visiting your home for a nice cup of tea. First Holy Communion 2019 Next year’s First Holy Communion Masses will take place on Saturday 11th May, Anyone who is in school Year 3 or above is welcome to join our preparation course, registration for which will commence next weekend. It does not matter what school your child attends. If your child is not baptised, the process is slightly different, so please see me (Fr. P) if this is the case. Sacrament of Confirmation Those who are in school Year 8 and above are invited to join our Confirmation programme, which will commence after half term. We anticipate that Confirmation will take place in October Registration for this will begin in the next couple of weeks or so. Those who are currently in school Year 9 and who are already engaged on our ‘luxury’ Confirmation programme should receive an this week with some sketchy details about sessions this year and some rather more firm arrangements for the residential retreat, which will take place from Friday 1st – Sunday 3rd March. Baby and Toddler Group The Baby and Toddler group is undergoing a leadership change, so will begin on Wednesday 19th September 9.45 – am. On Wednesday 12th September we will have a meeting at 10 am for all who would like to volunteer to help with the group. If you’re able to help (and maybe you have a baby or toddler yourself), please come along. Liturgical Ministers We’ve got some meetings for those involved in ministry coming up this month, as follows. If you do any of these ministries, please come! Tea and Coffee Ministry (everyone who helps serve tea/coffee/wine after Mass): Wednesday 19th September, 7.30 – 9 pm Young Ministers: Tuesday 25th September, 7.30 – 9 pm Ministers of the Word: Wednesday 26th September, 7.30 – 9 pm Ministers of the Eucharist: Thursday 27th September, 7.30 – 9 pm Altar Servers’ Mass at Westminster Cathedral This takes place on Saturday 6th October – details to follow. Curious about the Catholic Church? In October we begin our special ‘Catholic Starting Point’ course for adults who want to find out more about the Catholic Church, or who wish to explore the possibility of being Confirmed or Baptised in the Catholic Church. Maybe you have been coming to Mass for years but are reluctant to ‘dip your feet in’ any further. Maybe you have spouse or a friend who’d appreciate the suggestion. Sessions usually take place on weekday evenings during term time, from October until May. Think about it and, if you are interested, have a word with me (Fr. P). Parish Toilet update Our refurbished toilet facilities are now substantially complete. The Ladies loo has now reverted to its former location and the gents is now where the gents used to be. The next stage is over to you, and consists of three tasks: If you identify anything that isn’t right, please sign the ‘snag list’ that is displayed in the porch. Note that this is for snags and problems, not a wish list for jacuzzis, sun beds, electric hand dryers, toilet brushes, or other such unnecessary objects. Leave the loo in an even better state than you found it. When visiting, always consider the question “How has my visit contributed to making these facilities more pleasant for other users?” Think seriously about volunteering to clean the loo once every few months. You can sign up on cleaning list on hall/church link door. CCTV All public areas of the building, including the ‘Lego room’ and car park are now covered by CCTV (security cameras), for the purposes of safety and security. Please see Fr. Philip for further information. Going to Hospital? In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the Catholic Chaplain and please ask the Catholic Chaplain to visit you! Car Park Please make use of all available space (including in front of the garage). The ‘forbidden zone’ (the area beside the wall of the house next door) should only be used when all there is literally no more space! It’s absolutely fine to block others in – so be patient if you are blocked in and if you are a ‘blocker’ look out, listen for anyone calling out your car reg/make/colour, and be prepared to move it if you are staying for tea/coffee. Now, parking during a weekend Mass while not actually attending that Mass is a really big no-no for everyone, as we need all the spaces for Mass-goers. In fact, if you do it, we’ll probably take the wheels off your car. Manna Food Bank You can drop items in the box in the church. Church cleaning – sign up on church/hall link door or come on a Thursday morning. Parish Patio safety advice Beware that the gate to the car park is not always locked. The play equipment is for small (infant) children only. Children should never go on the roof of the Wendy house or on the bits of the play castle not designed to be stood/sat on. Ride-on toys must be kept at the far end of the patio (out of the way of the serving area). Please do not run  Take care around hot drinks All accidents should be reported – ask for a report form While parents are responsible for their own children, everyone is asked to notice inappropriate/unsafe use and to take appropriate action. It’s ok to tell off another’s child to avoid damage or danger! What to do in an emergency It is very simple. Just get out. The alarm will be raised by a shouted warning or, rarely, the heat/smoke detector. Leave by the closest exit. On reaching the pavement, turn right and assemble in front of ‘Friendship House’ (the offices opposite the station). It’s forbidden to move your car from the car park until evacuation is complete – as this will hinder evacuation and the arrival of the emergency services. Full and standing? There may be weekends when it’s standing room only in church. If by the start of Mass, there are absolutely no seats left in church but still more people arriving, the hall will be opened and overflow seating set up. However, if numbers increase after Mass has already started, you’ll just have to squeeze in and snuggle up. The message here is that if having a seat is critical, arrive five minutes before Mass starts! Everyone can help by moving to the front and middle seats of rows, keeping bags and coats off seats, and giving up seats for the elderly or infirm. Why don’t we just open the hall anyway? The hall is a valuable breakout space for children (& parents) who need to calm down or take time out, and so is only used for overflow when we have absolutely no other choice. Safeguarding The Catholic Church takes the protection of children and vulnerable adults very seriously. If you have any concerns at all or require advice regarding the safety or well-being of child or vulnerable adult, please contact our parish safeguarding rep, Sheila Davis, on You can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, Eva Edohen or Fr. Jeremy Trood on or Ice & Snow If it is snowy or icy, we will try to grit and clear pathways and exit routes, but there will be occasions when this isn’t possible. It is also unlikely that we will clear the entire car park of snow. This means that it is ‘over to you’ to be careful. If it does snow, any volunteers who can show up to clear paths and (maybe even) the car park would be much appreciated, but please leave the whole area to the right of the entrance (opposite the toilets) un-cleared as it is a nice place for the children to play. Hot & Cold Please don’t adjust the valves on the radiators. If you are too hot, either sit elsewhere or remove some (but maybe not all) of your clothes. While it may be very hot directly by a radiator, remember that it is there to heat the entire building and while you are sweltering, someone else probably has frostbite. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Walsingham On Saturday 22nd September there is a pilgrimage with Cardinal Vincent and whole diocese of Westminster to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham, in Norfolk. St. John Fisher parish in Shepperton have arranged a coach that will pick up from Staines just after 6 am. The cost of the coach will be £25 for adults, and £5 for children/young people. If anyone is interested in coming, please or phone Daphne on It will be a great day out. Children's Workshop meeting Would you like to join our workshop team to help plan our Advent and Lent workshops? We have a meeting for volunteers at 7.30 pm on Thursday 20th May. See Fr. P first if you are interested. Safeguarding If you have any concerns or require advice regarding the safety or well-being of a child or vulnerable adult, please contact our parish safeguarding rep, Sheila Davis, on You can also contact the Diocesan Safeguarding Team, Eva Edohen or Fr. Jeremy Trood on or Hurt by Abuse? If you or someone you know experienced abuse within the Church, contact the diocesan safeguarding team, Eva Edohen or Fr. Jeremy Trood on or Alternatively, the following contacts are also available: The Survivors Trust One in Four NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood) / ICAP (Immigrant Counselling and Psychotherapy) Aylesford Pilgrimage – Monday 17th September The Monday Club (our parish group that is popular with older members of the parish) is hosting a pilgrimage to Aylesford Priory on Monday 17th September. We travel there and back by 24-seat coach for an enticing £20 per adult, an incredible £15 for over 60s, and an unbelievable £10 for Monday Club members!). Pick up a form in the porch and return with payment in order to book. We will depart around 9.30 am, returning around 5 pm. You will need either to bring a packed lunch, or some cash for a sandwich or a hot meal at the friary café. Going to Hospital? In light of data protection please indicate on entering hospital that your details are to be passed to the Catholic Chaplain and please ask the Catholic Chaplain to visit you! Sunday Loose Envelopes Standing Orders Total 02/09/18 537 474 283 1294 Thank you so much for your generous support of our parish!

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