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The Elements of Culture

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Presentation on theme: "The Elements of Culture"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Elements of Culture

2 What is Culture You culture is basically what is important to you
Or…..What you take care of.

3 Elements of Culture Language Religion Beliefs and customs Institutions

4 Material Culture V. Non Material Culture
Material: Physical evidence of culture in objects or architecture. Non material: non-physical ideas people have about their culture ex. Religion, language, beliefs, organization etc.

5 Language How people communicate

6 What is this? Why does this matter?

7 Religion A set of beliefs about the meaning of life, the nature of the universe, and the existence of the supernatural (God or a Supreme Being)



10 Customs Things people usually do How they dress What they eat
How they celebrate holidays Turning points in life


12 Institutions Organizations developed by each society to make social roles clear and to take care of social needs Families: the care of family members, upbringing of the young Schools: teach the young the values of society and prepare them for the responsibilities of adulthood Governments: protect us from outsiders, promote social cooperation, and regulate individual behavior


14 New Technologies Huge influence in how cultures change.
How did new technology, such as the car, change American culture? What technology has change culture in your parents lifetime? How has that affected them?


16 How do the things that you drew relate to your culture?
Is your culture the same as your families?

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