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1 2e59c2a073542ecc6f3461771cc8a99d0bb2875748d34a369fddeef4384480e9
Mediachain 2e59c2a073542ecc6f cc8a99d0bb d34a369fddeef e9 Spring 2017

2 Content creators encounter many hurdles when publishing and circulating media to online audiences
Challenges in content publishing Today’s presentation Verification of creator’s identity Attribution and ownership information Licensing and royalty payments Piracy and copying prevention Current state of media metadata structures Mediachain’s metadata solution Case study underway Long-term company viability BLUF: Mediachain offers a unique, secure architecture to attribute creative work, but may not be scalable across all media types based on challenges it faces Mediachain offers a single source of truth to protect creative works

3 Attributing work and paying royalties for the use of media is challenging to manage, even for good actors like Spotify

4 Problem is not unique to Spotify. It impacts YouTube, Apple, etc.
Attributing work and paying royalties for the use of media is challenging to manage, even for good actors like Spotify Despite best efforts, Spotify cannot manage changing song ownership to pay royalties to right owner As part of settlements, Spotify hired independent accountants to verify royalty calculations and distribution Problem is not unique to Spotify. It impacts YouTube, Apple, etc. Proprietary closed databases are built by third parties and cannot be easily verified by creators. Open Source databases are messy and mutable

5 Digital Service Providers
Closed databases reinforce agency costs that impose taxes on creators, raising barriers to entry Creators lose value or forego it entirely based on the costs imposed on them Music Labels Payment Processors Lawyers Other Middlemen Digital Service Providers Agents Distributors Accountants Only the most successful artists and creators can afford the costs, preventing hobbyists and independents from capturing value, creating winners and losers

6 Decentralized and public Perceptual recognition engine
Mediachain is a distributed public database for creators to attribute their work and for users to discover and verify it Feature Detail Mediachain is not a blockchain but a metadata protocol that cryptographically timestamps data to the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains. Data becomes verifiable, traceable, searchable and immutable Metadata is secured, addressed, and signed Multiple untrusting parties can collaborate on metadata that cannot be duplicated or deleted. Individuals can download a node to contribute media or search media Decentralized and public Similar to Shazam for any file type. An image, song, etc. can be read by the engine to determine uniqueness and decide if the file is attributable to the publisher Perceptual recognition engine A developer or application can easily access Mediachain’s metadata using a standard API to interact with any information stored on a given media file Single API to access all content metadata Content Creators benefit from lower agency costs to publish, manage, and earn royalties from their work across applications Content Users benefit from easier media search, attribution, smart contracting, and connection with content creators Mediachain becomes the universal platform upon which other content-related businesses and applications are built

7 Decentralized and public Perceptual recognition engine
Mediachain is a distributed public database for creators to attribute their work and for users to discover and verify it Feature Detail Mediachain is not a blockchain but a metadata protocol that cryptographically timestamps data to the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains. Data becomes verifiable, traceable, searchable and immutable Metadata is secured, addressed, and signed Multiple untrusting parties can collaborate on metadata that cannot be duplicated or deleted. Individuals can download a node to contribute media or search media Decentralized and public Similar to Shazam for any file type. An image, song, etc. can be read by the engine to determine uniqueness and decide if the file is attributable to the publisher Perceptual recognition engine A developer or application can easily access Mediachain’s metadata using a standard API to interact with any information stored on a given media file Single API to access all content metadata Content Creators benefit from lower agency costs to publish, manage, and earn royalties from their work across applications Content Users benefit from easier media search, attribution, smart contracting, and connection with content creators Mediachain becomes the universal platform upon which other content-related businesses and applications are built

8 Decentralized and public Perceptual recognition engine
Mediachain is a distributed public database for creators to attribute their work and for users to discover and verify it Feature Detail Mediachain is not a blockchain but a metadata protocol that cryptographically timestamps data to the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains. Data becomes verifiable, traceable, searchable and immutable Metadata is secured, addressed, and signed Multiple untrusting parties can collaborate on metadata that cannot be duplicated or deleted. Individuals can download a node to contribute media or search media Decentralized and public Similar to Shazam for any file type. An image, song, etc. can be read by the engine to determine uniqueness and decide if the file is attributable to the publisher Perceptual recognition engine A developer or application can easily access Mediachain’s metadata using a standard API to interact with any information stored on a given media file Single API to access all content metadata Content Creators benefit from lower agency costs to publish, manage, and earn royalties from their work across applications Content Users benefit from easier media search, attribution, smart contracting, and connection with content creators Mediachain becomes the universal platform upon which other content-related businesses and applications are built

9 Decentralized and public Perceptual recognition engine
Mediachain is a distributed public database for creators to attribute their work and for users to discover and verify it Feature Detail Mediachain is not a blockchain but a metadata protocol that cryptographically timestamps data to the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains. Data becomes verifiable, traceable, searchable and immutable Metadata is secured, addressed, and signed Multiple untrusting parties can collaborate on metadata that cannot be duplicated or deleted. Individuals can download a node to contribute media or search media Decentralized and public Similar to Shazam for any file type. An image, song, etc. can be read by the engine to determine uniqueness and decide if the file is attributable to the publisher Perceptual recognition engine A developer or application can easily access Mediachain’s metadata using a standard API to interact with any information stored on a given media file Single API to access all content metadata Content Creators benefit from lower agency costs to publish, manage, and earn royalties from their work across applications Content Users benefit from easier media search, attribution, smart contracting, and connection with content creators Mediachain becomes the universal platform upon which other content-related businesses and applications are built

10 Decentralized and public Perceptual recognition engine
Mediachain is a distributed public database for creators to attribute their work and for users to discover and verify it Feature Detail Mediachain is not a blockchain but a metadata protocol that cryptographically timestamps data to the Bitcoin or Ethereum blockchains. Data becomes verifiable, traceable, searchable and immutable Metadata is secured, addressed, and signed Multiple untrusting parties can collaborate on metadata that cannot be duplicated or deleted. Individuals can download a node to contribute media or search media Decentralized and public Similar to Shazam for any file type. An image, song, etc. can be read by the engine to determine uniqueness and decide if the file is attributable to the publisher Perceptual recognition engine A developer or application can easily access Mediachain’s metadata using a standard API to interact with any information stored on a given media file Single API to access all content metadata Content Creators benefit from lower agency costs to publish, manage, and earn royalties from their work across applications Content Users benefit from easier media search, attribution, smart contracting, and connection with content creators Mediachain becomes the universal platform upon which other content-related businesses and applications are built

11 Nodes publish and collaborate on metadata, easing search and accessibility by users and applications
Case Study: Shared Cultural Heritage Open source has failed MoMA, Tate Modern, and the Louvre. Museums need a collaboration tool to share cultural heritage data of the creative works and artists in their galleries with the public Mediachain enables these institutions to publish and provide access to works through a single interface consolidating duplicate data while making it immutable to individuals that do not have the correct cryptographic identity Researchers can contribute valuable insights to the datasets over time without destroying the museum’s original content. Furthermore, the museum can audit contributors to allow their insights to be added to their content or separated completely Further Application Mediachain Node Structure Developers can enter permissioned smart contracts for licensed use of the artwork in their applications Analytics can be captured on the cross-application usage of art Payment processing application can analyze analytics and smart contracts to true-up licensing fees owed to museums Because Mediachain is open source and decentralized, data is guaranteed to remain free and open, with no central point of control, yet with tremendously increased access and reuse potential

12 Mediachain’s long-term viability makes sense for some use cases like music rights but seems very challenging for others Survive Die Creates immediate value for some larger industries, like music, with fewer, large contributors fighting piracy Similar to Wikipedia, a single, open-source place of truth is attractive to many parties Case studies like cultural heritage allow early adopters to create feedback loop to steadily improve usability Adoption by small and independent contributors unlikely. Verification guaranteed to the correct person challenging Monetization path not defined by company Incentive structure for verification of metadata by nodes unclear “Crawling” for every media file already in existence seems impossible Storage of data and/or metadata unclear Value proposition understood by the common man, but not much else We believe Mediachain will succumb to the challenges it faces in adoption and monetization. It will not thrive in its current state, but may be implemented across a single industry

13 Questions?

14 References

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