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Nutrition for Health Professions

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Presentation on theme: "Nutrition for Health Professions"— Presentation transcript:

1 Nutrition for Health Professions
Mr. Adham Ibrahim Ahmed (RN, BSN, MCN)

2 Mr. Adham Ibrahim Ahmed (RN, BSN, MCN)
Lecture 1 Mr. Adham Ibrahim Ahmed (RN, BSN, MCN)

3 In this lecture we will discuss the following:
Course Plan and Marks Distribution Introduction of Nutrition

4 Course Plan Final Exam Introduction to Nutrition
1st Week Introduction to Nutrition 2nd Week Digestion and absorption processes 3rd Week Metabolism 4th Week Carbohydrates 5th Week Lipids 6th Week Proteins 7th Week Water 8th Week Vitamins 9th Week Minerals 10th Week Nutrition throughout life cycle 11th Week Nutrition during pregnancy and lactation 12th Week Food safety 13th Week Planning of healthy diets 14th & 15th Week Nutrition and common diseases. 16th Week Final Exam

5 Nutrition & Diet Therapy
References إسم الكتاب المؤلف العنوان دار النشر Nutrition & Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth USA Delmar, Cengage Learning

6 Marks Distribution 20% 60% 5% 10% المجموع الكلي : 100% الأمتحان النصفي
الإمتحان النهائي التعيينات الحضور الكويزات 20% 60% 5% 10% المجموع الكلي : 100%

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