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Chapter 1: Peopling of the Americas

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1 Chapter 1: Peopling of the Americas

2 Was North America a Continent with no human beings 20,000 years ago?


4 Aboriginal Groups

5 Mitochondrial “Eve” In the field of human genetics, Mitochondrial Eve refers to the matrilineal refers to the matrilineal most recent common ancestor refers to the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of modern humans refers to the matrilineal most recent common ancestor (MRCA) of modern humans. In other words, she was the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, on their mother's side, and through the mothers of those mothers and so on, back until all lines converge on one person.

6 Mitochondrial Eve is estimated to have lived around 200,000 years ago, most likely in East Africa, when Homo sapiens sapiens (anatomically modern humans) were developing as a population distinct from other human sub-species. Mitochondrial Eve lived later than Homo heidelbergensis and the emergence of Homo neanderthalensis, but earlier than the out of Africa migration

7 “Out of Africa” Theory


9 Theory 1: Bering Strait Land Bridge during the Ice Age connecting Asia and The Americas via Alaska and Siberia

10 CANADIAN VIGNETTE Canada Vignettes - Land Bridge - YouTube

11 Theory 2: Polynesian Sea Theory over Pacific by boat

12 Theory 3: Solutrean Theory- From Spain and France to Eastern North America over ICE BY BOATS DURING Ice Age Approx 14,000 ya

13 PROOF? Spearpoints found in Cactus Hill, Virginia and Athena Review, 3,2: Peopling of the Americas: The Gault Site, Texas, and Clovis Research DNA of Ojibwe Haplogroup X linked to Europe as opposed to Asia X2a mtDNA - Ojibwe Origins in North America: DNA testing to determine Native Ancestry mtDNA A2, B2, C1, D1, and X2a Paleoindians from Europe-Paleoindians from Asia-Paleoeskimos- Thule (in order of immigration wave)


15 Some of the first ancient stone artifacts with connections to Asia CLOVIS POINTS-NEW MEXICO
13000 years ago.

16 These Clovis points used to be among the oldest tools discovered in North America, and have often been found with the remains of ice age animals.The Clovis people attached these points to spears and hunted animals in groups. The points were made of flint gathered from sources hundreds of miles away from the sites where they were found, indicating that their nomadic makers traveled long distances while following herds of game.


18 Cactus Hill Points-pre Clovis-theory 3 proof
Great similarity with Solutrean points. Older than Clovis points (15,900 years or 16,000 years ago, which is right in the middle between Clovis and Solutrean)

19 Solutrean Points 18,000 years ago Spain


21 More proof of theory 3-Mitochondrial DNA
Most DNA tested Native people in Canada were found to be linked to Asia. However, the Ojibwe were found to have DNA that was more linked to Europe. Were these the descendants of the Solutreans? Was there really an early wave of immigration that came from Spain?

22 Solutreans: The first Americans - 1 of 9 – YouTube
Ice Age Columbus, Who Were The First Americans? – YouTube


24 KENNEWICK MAN- fill in THE 5 W’S

Who? 9000 year old remains of a European male found around 20 years ago What? A skeleton with a spear point embedded in its pelvis that resembled a Clovis Point Where? Kennewick, Washington in the Columbia River below B.C. When? Mid 1990s Why? Two young men watching a powerboat race stumbled upon what appeared at first to be a crime scene. Controversial because the European skeleton was claimed by local “American Indian” groups as an ancestor. US govt. seized it due to controversy How? Carbon dating revealed the age of the bones to be much older than what was expected. Skull looked of European not Asian

26 Evolution of the ENGLISH language
In addition to archeology the study of linguists can help us to better understand the past. 1066 A.D. OR 1066 c.e.-German speaking Anglo Saxon Britain was invaded by French speaking Norman Vikings. The two languages have combined over the millennium and morphed into various forms (Australian, Central Canadian, British, Bostonian Yankee, Southern American, Newfenese, Jamaican Patois, etc) 1000 years has yielded substantial diversity in the languages of European descent.

27 Common Linguistic Origins.

LONGER PERIOD OF TIME. This is true of Canada’s First Nations too.

29 The Lack of Diversity of Language in the Northern Inuit people could indicate the they have been in the New World for a shorter period

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