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The Cold War Expands.

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1 The Cold War Expands

2 Tension Rising 1949-USSR develops their own atomic bomb
USA/USSR began stockpiling hydrogen bombs, other nuclear weapons

3 Arms Race This arms race was not only harmful to the environment and our health, but also: It placed the world on the verge of mutually assured destruction

4 Eisenhower’s Policies
Eisenhower and SOS Dulles would use both containment and massive retaliation Threatening nuclear war to deter an enemy Brinksmanship using dangerous methods placing you on the verge of disaster.

5 Nikita Khrushcev When Stalin dies in 1953, the new leader of the USSR is Nikita Khrushchev At first, he denounces Stalin’s cruel policies and seek a “peaceful co- existance” with the US

6 Global Impact Khrushchev seemed more relaxed than Stalin
This caused some countries in Eastern Europe to rebel against communism Rebellions were crushed by Khrushchev and the Soviet Union The US was unable to do anything about it

7 Eisenhower Doctrine After a conflict in Egypt, USA issues the Eisenhower Doctrine The US would help any Middle Eastern nation threatened by Communism In Egypt, President Nasser closed the Suez Canal to the French and British This limits oil supplies going to Europe as Nasser worked with the USSR Fr and GB ally with Israel to attack Egypt Again, the US not wanting war stays out of the conflict

8 Central Intelligence Agency
1947- CIA founded Gathers information, often through secretive tactics to protect American interests

9 Sputnik I and the Space Race
Soviet; 1st satellite launched into outer space US answered by creating NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration)

10 The Cold War: At Home

11 The Cold War At Home Red Scare engulfed the US
Widespread fear that communists were infiltrating American society

12 HUAC House Committee of Un-American Activities (HUAC)- used to seek out suspected communists Investigated the govt, military, unions, etc

13 The Hollywood Ten Blacklisted:
Group of suspected communists were actors/directors/writers in Hollywood These 10 sent to prison and blacklisted Blacklisted: Placed on a list that would deny that person a job.

14 SPIES! Alger Hiss had worked in govt and was accused of being a spy
Hiss was tried and convicted for giving away confidential documents A former communist named him as one who gave out secret information on the govt Before he was tried and convicted, he was involved in the establishment of the United Nations both as a U.S. State Department official and as a U.N. official.

15 The Rosenbergs Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were also accused of spying
Rosenbergs were found guilty and executed in 1953 They were accused of passing secret information about nuclear science to Soviets Girl on fire

16 McCarthy Gone Wild Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin contributes to the Red Scare Claimed to have a list of 205 communists working in govt

17 McCarthyism Period in the 1950’s of reckless accusations against suspected communists with little or no evidence Because of the scare, this gave McCarthy great power The accused faced blacklisting, imprisonment, deportation, and destroyed reputations

18 McCarthy Falls From Power
Many of McCarthy’s hearings were put on TV for the US to watch People watched him as he got caught in his own lies and bully defendants He lost power as the Senate condemned his actions in 1954

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