Properties and Characteristics

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2 Properties and Characteristics

3 Igneous rocks Are made from cooled-down lava
Hints that you are seeing an igneous rock: Bubbles Glassy appearance Big grains of minerals Igneous rocks

4 Bubbles

5 Glassy Appearance

6 Big Grains

7 Metamorphic rocks are made when a rock changes due to heat or pressure
Hints that you are seeing a metamorphic rock: Bending layers Squished Grains Metamorphic rocks

8 Bending Layers

9 Squished Grains

10 Sedimentary rocks are made of sediments (particles) that build up in layers, usually at the bottom of a river or lake. Hints that you are seeing a sedimentary rock: Flat layers Mix of particle size Sedimentary rocks

11 Flat Layers

12 Mix of Particle Size

13 Test Yourself try to identify the correct type of rock for each of the following pictures

14 Sample 1

15 Sample 2

16 Sample 3

17 Answers Sedimentary (mix of particle size) Igneous (bubbles)
Metamorphic (bending layers) How did you do??? Answers


19 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This rock was formed by the compaction and cementation of sediment

20 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This rock was formed by melting and cooling of magma.

21 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This rock was formed by heat and pressure deep within the Earth.



24 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock is found near volcanos.

25 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock is found deep within the Earth.

26 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock is much like our ice cream, it starts as a liquid and then cools into a solid.

27 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock is much like our sandwich. It is made of many layers stacked on top of each other.

28 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock is like our cake. It is baked but not melted.

29 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE Conglomerate is an example of this type of rock.

30 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock can be intrusive or extrusive.

31 WHAT OF ROCK? TYPE This type of rock can be clastic or chemical.

32 Write a short story/poem/rap/comic about the rock cycle and how a rock goes through each of these phases. This assignment needs to include: Igneous, Sedimentary, and Metamorphic Lava cooling, pressure, heat Homework: Rock Cycle

33 Do Now What are the three types of rock called? How are each of the three types of rock created? What are the two different types of igneous rock? What types of sedimentary rock did we discuss, and how are they different from one another?

34 Forces responsible for formation and destruction
Weathering and Erosion continually break rocks apart and move the debris to different areas. When rocks are weathered, they are broken into smaller pieces. Mechanical weathering refers to rocks that are broken without changing their mineral composition. (ex: a big piece of granite gets broken into smaller pieces of granite when water freezes in its’ cracks) Chemical weathering occurs when rock is broken down into new compounds. (ex: a big piece of feldspar is broken down by water over many decades and turns into clay) Factors that affect the rate of weathering are: the surface area of the exposed rock the chemical composition of the exposed rock the climate of the area the rock is in Eventually weathering turns rock into soil. The rock is the parent material because it “gave birth” to the soil.


36 Do Now Define chemical weathering.
Define physical weathering. Explain how physical weathering is different from chemical weathering. Explain what happens to a rock during the process of mechanical weathering. How does a rock look generally before and after weathering occurs? Explain the following terms: biological activity, frost wedging, and unloading

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