Interaction Between Sun, Ocean & Weather Notes

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Presentation on theme: "Interaction Between Sun, Ocean & Weather Notes"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interaction Between Sun, Ocean & Weather Notes

2 The Sun is the source of most of the heat energy on Earth.

3 The energy travels through space & enters the Earth system through the atmosphere.

4 Some of the energy is absorbed by land & oceans & some is released back into space.

5 The balance between energy absorbed & energy released is delicate.

6 The balance means the difference between the planet being too warm or too cool.

7 Currently, the system maintaining Earth’s heat is out of balance.

8 The heat energy from the Sun provides the “fuel” for Earth’s weather.

9 Since the earth is tilted on its axis, areas of the earth do not receive heat energy equally.

10 The equator receives more direct energy, while the poles receive much less.

11 This uneven heating causes differences in temperature & pressure of large air masses.

12 Because of the differences, the air masses move, creating Earth’s weather.

13 Oceans act as a system to distribute heat energy around the globe.

14 Since land & water differ in specific heats, each absorbs & holds heat energy differently.

15 Water heats slowly & once heated, loses energy slowly.

16 Oceans & other large bodies of water have a great effect on the lands they border.


18 Climate is the average weather of an area over many years.

19 The climate of a region is affected by the amount of sunlight the region receives…

20 …and different geographic factors, such as how close the area is to an ocean.

21 Areas close to oceans receive the heat carried by ocean currents.

22 Large masses of air warmed by the ocean’s energy, move toward coastal regions & give up their heat to the land.

23 Two cities, located at the same latitude, can have very different climates…

24 …if one is in the middle of the continent & the other is on the coast.


26 If the distribution of heat by the oceans is disrupted…

27 …or the amount of heat absorbed or released is changed, climate can be affected.

28 Currently, the amount of heat absorbed in the Earth system is increasing.

29 One of the factors causing the increase is called the greenhouse effect.

30 Gases, such as water vapor, methane, nitrous oxide and carbon dioxide allow the atmosphere to absorb heat energy that is released by the earth.

31 These gases trap the heat energy & do not allow it to radiate back into space.


33 There are a lot of contributors to greenhouse gases…

34 Carbon dioxide is released by burning fossil fuels & through forest fires.

35 Volcanic eruptions also release carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

36 Methane is produced by farm animals & microbes in natural wetlands.

37 Nitrous oxide is produced when fertilizers are overused & breakdown in the soil.

38 The greenhouse effect disrupts the Earth’s heat energy balance.

39 The trapped energy heats the globe, which in turn melts glaciers & ice caps.

40 This may cause sea levels to rise.

41 The addition of fresh water added to the oceans dilutes the salinity of some ocean currents & changes the density.

42 The movement of the ocean current system is altered by the change in density.

43 Since ocean currents distribute heat energy, the climate of coastal areas can be changed.

44 For example, areas with moderate climates begin to experience less moderate weather.

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