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Cell Division Review

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1 Cell Division Review

2 Vocabulary Spindle Fibers Haploid Somatic Cell Diploid Gamete Homologous Centromere Body Cell, Diploid Chromosomes with the same Genetic Content Sex cell, Haploid Containing half the chromosome content (N) Containing the full set of chromosomes (2N) Microtubules that attach to centromeres and help separate chromatids Protein cluster that holds two chromatids together

3 Vocabulary Spindle Fibers Haploid Somatic Cell Diploid Gamete Homologous Centromere Body Cell, Diploid Chromosomes with the same Genetic Content Sex cell, Haploid Containing half the chromosome content (N) Containing the full set of chromosomes (2N) Microtubules that attach to centromeres and help separate chromatids Protein cluster that holds two chromatids together

4 Synapsis Tetrad Crossing Over Karyokinesis Cytokinesis Mitosis Meiosis Chromosome Chromatid Separation of Nuclear Material Division of cells into two diploid, identical daughter cells Condensed DNA Copy of a chromosome, held together by centromeres Division of cells into four haploid, genetically unique gametes Exchange of genetic material by two homologous chromatids Pairing of two homologous chromosomes Group of four homologous chromatids Separation of Cytoplasm

5 Synapsis Tetrad Crossing Over Karyokinesis Cytokinesis Mitosis Meiosis Chromosome Chromatid Separation of Nuclear Material Division of cells into two diploid, identical daughter cells Condensed DNA Copy of a chromosome, held together by centromeres Division of cells into four haploid, genetically unique gametes Exchange of genetic material by two homologous chromatids Pairing of two homologous chromosomes Group of four homologous chromatids Separation of Cytoplasm

6 Mitosis Phases Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Separation of sister chromatids Unraveling of chromosomes and reformation of the nucleus Division of the Cytoplasm Alignment of chromosomes along the metaphase plate Condensing of chromosomes and dissolution of the nucleus Growth of the cell and replication of the DNA to form sister chromatids

7 Mitosis Phases Interphase Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase Cytokinesis Separation of sister chromatids Unraveling of chromosomes and reformation of the nucleus Division of the Cytoplasm Alignment of chromosomes along the metaphase plate Condensing of chromosomes and dissolution of the nucleus Growth of the cell and replication of the DNA to form sister chromatids

8 Meiosis Stages Interphase I Prophase I Metaphase I
Anaphase I Telophase/Cytokinesis I Prophase II Metaphase II Anaphase II Telophase/Cytokinesis II Growth of the cell and replication of the DNA to form sister chromatids Condensing of DNA Synapsis of homologous chromosomes and crossing over Alignment of chromosomes in a single line and attachment of spindle fibers on BOTH sides of the centromere Separation of sister chromatids Separation of homologous chromosomes Alignment of homologous chromosomes in two lines and the attachment of spindle fibers on ONE side of the centromere Reformation of nuclei and separation of cytoplasm

9 Life Cycle of Humans Adult Zygote Sperm Egg Feritilization Meiosis

10 Life Cycle of Humans Egg Feritilization Zygote Meiosis Adult Sperm

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