Kennedy Assassination

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1 Kennedy Assassination
Camelot Crumbles

2 The Kennedy Clan Joe Kennedy was a powerful Irish businessman in Boston He & his wife Rose had 8 children (4 Boys 4 Girls) John was the 3rd of 8 Graduated from Harvard & joined the Navy WW2 Hero 1948 Joe Jr.

3 Lt. Kennedy & PT 109 Kennedy was commander of a patrol boat during WW2
The boat was rammed by a Japanese Destroyer & sank Critically injured, Kennedy dragged a crewman 3 miles to shore Became a war hero

4 Kennedy elected to Senate
JFK is elected as a Senator from Massachusetts in 1952 Marries Jacquelyn Bouvier in 1953

5 Kennedy & the Presidency
In 1956, JFK fails to get the Democratic nomination In 1960, JFK gets the nomination & runs against Eisenhower’s VP Nixon First televised debate, JFK looks young, fresh, & eager to lead. Nixon looks pale & sickly

6 Kennedy goes for the White House
JFK selects Lyndon B. Johnson, Senator from Texas to be his running mate LBJ is a very skilled politician LBJ secures the votes he needs to win southern states

7 The Kennedy Controversy
Kennedy was elected in a close election It was claimed that hundreds of “Dead People” from Chicago voted Many felt that Kennedy being a Catholic, he would have allegiance to the Pope over the people Some felt that the “Mob” help secure votes for JFK to win as a favor to his father

8 Kennedy & Cuba Organized crime had a large control over the gaming industry in Cuba As long as Batista was in power the Mob was in good shape Fidel Castro overthrows the country & the Mob panics JFK promises to get Fidel out The Bay of Pigs invasion turns into a flop JFK distances himself from the Mob – they feel double crossed

9 The Mob gets angry Robert Kennedy, Attorney General begins to put pressure on Organized Crime High level mafia members are called to testify before govt. Frank Sinatra introduces Sam Giancana’s girlfriend to JFK JFK begins to fool around with Sam Giancana’s girlfriend His Girlfriend is one of many to be sneaked into the White House

10 JFK goes to Dallas The day was going to be limited activities
An open car tour of downtown Dallas, followed by a lunch in Fort Worth Evening back in Washington

11 JFK Goes to Dallas JFK stops in Dallas for a 1 day visit
As the motorcade moved through downtown, 3 shots ring out, 2 hitting the President 1 shot to the throat, another to the head, one in the pavement


13 Dealey Plaza, Dallas




17 Lee Harvey Oswald Former Marine & loner Known communist
Defected to Russia Married a Russian girl & brought her back to U.S. Jumped from job to job Worked at the Texas School Book Depository

18 Lee Harvey Oswald Arrested soon after the assassination
Accused of shooting a Dallas policeman as well as Kennedy Detained at Dallas Police station – shot while being escorted to another facility Strip club owner Jack Ruby is the shooter Ruby is known to have Mafia “connections”

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